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Second Act


Lesson 214

By bj King

These lessons are copyrighted by the Law of Karma.

  It is inappropriate to share this information with those who have not contributed to Namaste and signed up for the school.  It has taken years of my time and energy to accumulate this information.  In order to continue to have the time to write up and publish the information for sharing it with you, the monetary energy exchange is necessary.  If you know someone you feel would enjoy or benefit from the information, please ask them to contact us.

What I offer to you in these lessons are my own opinions and beliefs based on direct experiences with Spirit over the past twenty-four years and information I’ve consolidated from reading Ancient Wisdom teachings.  These statements are not presented as THE TRUTH.  Do not accept what I have written as truth only as one person’s opinion.  Accept only what resonates with your own discernment, your own truth.  Discernment is one of the spiritual gifts promised to us all.  If you do not feel you have it, pray for it.  All spiritual gifts are given to us as a result of our asking for them.  How you utilize the information in these lessons you do at your own risk and I accept no responsibility for your results.


            We are living longer than did our parents and grandparents.  The second half of our lives can offer decline, disease, despair, regret, being stuck in the past, death or a time to create a deeply fulfilling life.

            If we are suffering emotionally it can be because we are living a life without meaning.  There is nothing wrong with searching for happiness, but without meaning there can be no lasting happiness. 

            In order to live a meaningful life we must leave our fixed view of reality behind.  We often must let go of the familiar and open ourselves to the unknown.  Our second act requires us to shift from ambition to meaning.  It is a time to shift from restlessness, irritability, anxiety or discontent with our situation to deep questioning of our motivation.  Why are we still here?  What is this time about?

            If we are brave enough, everything in our past comes up for review.  It is useful to look at our lives realistically and honestly, without denial, indulgence or embellishment.  It is a time to come to terms with our unresolved anger, disappointments, despair, illusions, aversions, attachments and fear of death.

            The past is over.  We can sit in the ashes of the life we knew and the identity of who we thought we were and go on from there by making an effort to discover our essential, authentic self, which is beyond ego and beyond the illusion of who we “think” we are, or who we thought we were and pretended to be.  We can move into truly “knowing” our authentic self, our essential being, our soul.

            It is a time to surrender beliefs that no longer serve us or things we’ve been told and believed that are now being proven to be untrue.  Reflection and practice are essential in obtaining wisdom.  Wisdom comes from actually practicing what we know to be truth within ourselves, not just repeating what we’ve been told by others. It is a time to no longer tolerate ambiguity.  Reflection allows us to examine what is working and not working in our lives and being brave enough to change.

            This is a time to claim wonder, awe and delight in nature and our Human bodies and a time to develop curiosity and trust in ourselves and flexibility. It is time to embrace our Spirits and to learn about surrender (one of my least favorite words) and to release, reflect and practice patience.      

Practice is to take daily action that supports the change we desire.  Reflection allows us to examine what is working and not working in our lives.

Spiritual maturity involves integration of the quantitative and the qualitative, and not over identifying with either.  We must acquire and maintain balance between the two.  We must learn to increase our capacity to hold creative tension so more inclusive solutions and options can emerge. 

It is a time to see what truly fosters meaning and vitality in our lives and what does not.  It is important to stay connected to those things and people who surprise and bring hope and inspiration.  It is important to experience new and unexplored things daily.

It is time to consider new beliefs, new interests, develop new relationships, new forms of creativity, time to seek new sources of inspiration.  Creating something new becomes the new adventure.  It is a time to look at our lives with new expanded curiosity.  It is a time to investigate where we are indifferent or inflexible and to become energized by hope, faith and vitality; a time to question what is life-giving and meaningful to us.  What renews us often helps us to align with what has meaning for us.  It is a time to question what generates us:






Irritation, lack of vitality





What makes us angry?

            One suggestion for this year is to celebrate the “date” of our birth by doing something we’ve never done each month on that day and to welcome something new into our lives each month.  It is an important time to listen for the soul’s promptings and to watch for meaningful connections.

It is time to practice holding the tension between discipline and spontaneity and between silence and activity.    It is time to sit with our questions and to let our insights arrive of their own accord, in their own time.  It is a good time to question, what’s worth knowing?

What longing or calling have you dismissed repeatedly?  What prevents you from acting upon them now? Question how do we renew and regenerate ourselves?  Look at whatever your mind is focusing on at this moment?  What cultivates balance, discernment and objectivity for you?  Notice what’s really happening and be aware of your intentions.  Be mindful and notice the results of your worrying.

Learn to align inner guidance with wise action. Question if you’ve over identified with roles you’ve played or any expertise you’ve developed earlier in life.  Question the ways we confuse roles, skills or professional reputations with who we really are.  Discover who you think you are, or are not.

Reflect on the social masks you’ve worn and how you change how you are in different situations.  Question who you are beyond masks, roles, history and associations.  Focus on shifting from doing to being.  Cease seeking the acceptance and approval of others, especially when it causes you to abandon your own true nature.  Let go the need to be special.  Notice what triggers our need to mask ourselves or to flaunt our expertise.  No longer look for external acceptance or approval for self-validation.  Agree to learn something new about yourself every day.

Four kinds of love:

Eros: the drive to unify, to create and procreate; the urge toward higher forms of being and relationship

Libido: physical desire, sexuality, sensuality, lust

Philia: friendship, brotherly or sisterly love

Agape or Caritas: the compassionate heart or transfigured desire; the love devoted to the respect and welfare of others; commitment to doing no harm

The only way to come home to our spiritual nature is to express our love nature.  Being in any kind of significant relationship with another person is the most rigorous spiritual growth one can undertake.

Consider what makes you happy, makes you laugh?  When we keep our lives too busy, move too fast, we have no time to deepen our experiences or to integrate them.  When have you experienced grace, peace and faith?  Spend an hour outdoors every day and spend at least 30 minutes a day in silence, listening to your inner being.  Notice and be grateful for all you are and all you have.

Offer gratitude for the people and situations that have helped you to grow and identify your regrets.  Our invisible spiritual nature is a real presence.  There is a difference in knowing about Spirit and knowing from direct experience of Spirit. 

It is impossible to have a closed heart when we are thankful.


I hereby forgive anyone who hurt, upset or offended me; damaging my body, my property, my reputation or people whom I love; whether done accidentally or willfully, carelessly or purposely; whether done with words, deeds, thoughts or attitudes; whether in this lifetime or another incarnation.  I forgive every person; may no one be punished because of me.

Help me to be thoughtful and to resist committing carelessness.  Whatever mistakes I have committed, please blot them out by your kindness and may I be spared suffering or harmful illness by grace.  May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart find acceptance by my soul. 

 Youth is a time for achievement

Middle age a time for perspective

Old age is a time for wisdom and mentoring

Wisdom grows with trust, clarity and curiosity and dwindles with control or attachment. 

Be open to outcomes and possibilities that you have not contemplated.  Release your beliefs about what you think your life “should” be.  It’s not the events that happen, but how we respond to the events that are important.

Spirituality gives meaning to life: nature, silence, work, art, music, family and friendships.  Spirit is our essence.  It is what makes us unique.  Make a conscious choice of not living in the past or future, but in each present moment.

If we knew when our life would end, what would you do to live out your final days in a full and complete way?  What is meaningful for you in your life?  How do you wish to be remembered?

Death is a certainty.  Human life is unique and impermanent.  Live your life fully every day.

We never know when the last time will be:

The last meal

The last hug

The last joke

The last conversation

The last opportunity to forgive

The last walk

The last opportunity to make love

The last time to create something beautiful

The last time to ask for forgiveness

The last time to thank someone

The last time to offer help to someone

The last time to appreciate beauty

The last time to offer a compliment

The last time to write a letter or send a note

The last time to be kind

The last time to call a friend

If there are people in our lives we need to forgive, we need to do it now.  Doing these things and really paying attention to our lives’ actions and thoughts is paving the way to a peaceful exit from this physical life and lessen the burden of our life review when we reach the other side.  It’s a way of cleaning up our negative karma. 

Aging is not for sissies.  Our bodies’ aging is not fun.  Losing our hair, our balance, our memory, our strength, our motivation, living with aches or pains can distract us from enjoying life.  The second act gives us one last time to do the things we always intended to do.  None of us knows when our physical lives will be over. Now is the time to prepare for the next adventure without fear.

To know even one life has breathed easier because of you – that is to have succeeded.   – Emerson

Each human soul is the footprint of God. – Master Eckhart

The greatest remorse we can experience is love unexpressed.

To leave the world a better place for future generations is to have lived a meaningful life, and to have succeeded.

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Rings of Evolution Music

This FREE DOWNLOAD was created and provided by Ray (Boyd) Sibley,

Get Ready for the Experience

Free Download~ Rings of Evolution

You may also download  a free Music MP3  at Ray’s distribution site at:  

Headphones are recommended or a playback system that will play back ultra low frequencies; small computer speakers will not work. Play back loud enough to feel the low frequencies reverberating in your body. 

what to expect

Begin by preparing your room for Meditation.  Burn a candle, light incense or sage.  Set your intention to connect with the spiritual energy and frequency of the Rings. Allow your breathing and heart rate to slow as you begin the Music and frequencies of the realm of the Rings.   Open your heart to receive and to give your gifts as well. Enjoy the adventure and transcendence. 

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Jesus Speaks Of Spiritual Truth

This written document contains a transcription of a recent and important Message about Humanity’s future on Earth. This Message was communicated telepathically by Jesus the Christ to bj King in late 2021.  She is a spiritual teacher and mystic living in Oklahoma City in the United States. Jesus has asked that his Message be communicated widely to all of Humanity.  If you are willing to read and consider what it says, you will have an opportunity to participate, along with many others, in necessary and urgent efforts for positive change.  That opportunity can take many potential forms: positive thought, prayer, meditation, practicing kindness toward others, being an example of peace and love in your own life, being active in promoting peace and love among those around you, and perhaps passing this Message along to other people in your life.  If enough people are willing to consistently do some or all of these things, their efforts and yours have the potential to change the trajectory of Humanity’s current direction and future experiences.  You are encouraged to read this Message with an open mind and heart, and to ask for guidance or inspiration from the Holy Spirit regarding with whom to share this Message.


Lesson One

“At this critical period of planetary transition into a new Cosmic Age, the Age of Aquarius, it is mandatory that Humanity be liberated from lack of Spiritual Truth.  The New Age will involve a new world, a new civilization, as has been prophesied. You’ve heard it referred to as a ‘new Heaven and new Earth.’  Humans must become knowledgeable of their true identity as aspects of God, as infinite and immortal Spiritual Beings. I am coming forth to speak of Spiritual Truth.


“January 20, 1920, the Spiritual Hierarchy created and positioned a series of electromagnetic Rings around the Earth three miles outside Earth’s atmosphere.  The purpose of the Rings is to hold ideas, inspirations and information that aware Humans can access during altered states of consciousness and utilize them to further evolution.   These ideas and images are added to the Rings on a regular basis.  Their purpose is to make available inventions, artistic images, music, healing techniques, formulas, and methods of surgery to inspire evolution for the Aquarian Age. 

“Everything is composed of energy.  What exists around and on the Earth has been changed, destroyed or buried by great earthquakes, floods, landslides, sunken continents (such as Atlantis and Mu), plus the catastrophic tipping of Earth’s axis during the Pleistocene Epoch about 4 million years ago, resulting in the ‘ice ages.’

“This present world will be transformed energetically, and new planetary conditions in the fourth dimension will prevail on Earth.  The new race of Humans in this Age will express a different quality of consciousness, a fourth-dimensional consciousness, and have abilities considered Super-Human in today’s world.


“This can only unfold if Humans are finally exposed to the truth about who they are, and the truth about the Earth, Solar System, Universe, Omniverse, the Spiritual Hierarchy, Angels and the Great White Brotherhood; also, the truth of why I came to Earth, not to relieve the sins of Humanity, but to prove ascension and to anchor the energies of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

“Without adequate knowledge of Spiritual Realms of Life, and authentic and true information regarding Humans’ ultimate destiny beyond the Human plane, Humanity cannot wake up to the truth.  Spiritual Teachings and Revelations have been offered to Humanity throughout the Ages, and many of these teachings still exist, referred to as scriptures.  These teachings and revelations were written in ancient or now-dead languages, and have been mis-translated or purposely distorted by unscrupulous authorities to increase their prestige and power.  This was also done deliberately to confuse and control Humans for the benefit of Church and political leaders. True religion has been stripped of its Spirituality to become a dogma of literal words, pretentious rituals and hallowed traditions.

“True spiritual teaching has not been offered to Humanity in centuries.  The word ‘shenah’, described and related to conditions and time-periods of Human history in the original Chaldean writings, is correctly defined to mean ‘sleep; dream; changes.’  The Old Testament writers of Humanity’s origins mis-translated the ancient Chaldean word ‘shenah’ as ‘years.’ 

“Due to this kind of mis-translation, biblical scholars and clerics have been relating Humans’ arrival on Earth as beginning some 8,000 years ago.  However, the ‘years’ they related to Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah had each covered long periods of great changes and mutations on Earth, actually involving many Cosmic Ages and Cycles.  These biblical names not only represent, in some cases, important Spiritual Beings, but also relate to and describe the quality of Humanity’s mass consciousness and its various civilizations that existed during those periods.

“The Bible, or adaptations of the King James version of the Bible, refer to Jehovah and Yahweh as if they were the Creator God of all Universes, which they were not.  They were lesser beings holding authority during those periods of history.  This ‘mis-translation’ corrected, in itself, should change Christian belief, as well as the true purpose of my coming to Earth as a Human.

“Due to mis-translations of the Bible, neither Christianity nor Judaism relates Human souls as aspects of God.  Neither admits the Divinity contained within each Human.”

“The single most important thing a Human can do is realize their true identity as an aspect of God, a Spirit Being.”

 “The Judaic-Christian Bible, though originally written by various Humans, and then translated into different languages by other Humans, is yet believed by many religionists as being the pure ‘Word of God.’ Regardless of probable mis-translations by various scribes, priests, translators and theologians over the centuries, the Bible is revered to a greater extent than any more direct Spiritual Teaching or Revelation from God.  Unfortunately, most Humans believe God quit speaking directly with Humans centuries ago, which is not true.  Translating languages into English can be unclear because certain words were then and can now be defined in many ways.  Also, the number of times the Bible has been revised and translated tends to have distorted the original meaning of my message.

“If one considers the Bible to be the actual ‘Word of God,’ it should be realized that much of the Old Testament merely describes historical experiences of the Jewish people, and that the New Testament contains various activities attributed to me and my disciples, and is not the ‘Word of God’.  You and I have already discussed the mis-translation of the Beatitudes, which I corrected to my true meaning through you several years ago.  I think it wise to mention those corrections here.

“I taught using parables, because that is where the level of Human consciousness was at that time in history.  I concerned myself with teaching general principles, which had to do with mental states.  As a person thinks, so they will become.”


Matthew 5:3-10 from the King James Version: 

“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

“The word ‘poor’ could mean impoverished, depleted, lacking in ability, absent of quality, low in potential, or deficient.  It can also mean ‘simple.’ My reference was to ‘simplicity.’   I was encouraging the people to refrain from complex rituals and creating spiritual hierarchies.  I taught that there is only one Spirit, and that Spirit is within us and within all things.  Connecting to that Spirit is a simple process and does not require structure, permission, intermediaries, prerequisites or process.  It requires silence, intention, acceptance, Love and simplicity.”

“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.”

“In Aramaic, ‘mourning’ could mean sorrow, grief, pain, or regret.  Humans always have the choice of learning by spiritual unfoldment or by painful experience.  Most people do not seek God whole-heartedly unless trouble, sorrow or failure appears in their lives.  I was referring to the ‘value of mourning’ as in ‘the act of purging and releasing’. When a person first experiences loss, whether this is through the death of a loved one, the death of a marriage, loss of health, loss of a career or job, loss of home, or loss of financial or social position, the first reaction is shock, depression and/or grief.  When the shock passes, and a person accepts the circumstance and releases what has been, they open a space for the new that can come.  Grieving is clinging to – mourning is letting go, releasing, purging, which allows the emergence, the comfort of a new stage of life.  Often, in retrospect, we can see the loss was a blessing in disguise.”

“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the Earth.”

“In Aramaic, the word ‘meek’ could mean humble, poor, subservient, lacking self-respect, or self-effacing.  None of these are the meaning I intended in using the word.  My meaning was ‘moderation, equilibrium, balance’.  In balance there is wholeness, fulfillment, and blessing.  There is no need to hoard.  If hoarding ceased, there would be plenty of all for all.  Humans never truly own anything; they are only stewards.  They are most happy and fulfilled when they are steward-shipping only what they truly love.  ‘Meek’ can also mean ‘open to the will of God,’ which is a mental attitude that draws prosperity to an individual.  

“The word ‘Earth’ does not refer merely to the terrestrial globe of Earth.  Earth in this context meant ‘manifestation or abundance.’ Manifestation is the result of cause.  Causation is mental.  By ‘Earth’ I meant the whole of your outer experience.  By ‘to inherit the Earth’ I meant to have dominion over your outer experience through thought. If you live in balance and moderation, with lovingly directed thoughts, you will manifest the life your heart desires because you are open to the will of God for your lives.  God’s will for your lives is joy, love, abundance, and perfect health.”

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

“‘Righteousness’ does not refer just to right conduct, but also to right thinking in all areas of your lives.  Right thinking is the only thing that will produce desired results.  Righteousness can also mean harmonious thoughts.  If you seek to be in harmony with your thoughts, the results will be a harmonious, fulfilling life.  To ‘hunger and thirst’ refers to praying constantly for wisdom and guidance.

‘Righteousness’ means being right in your heart.  Through the heart, you feel the Presence of your Creator.  The heart is a powerful magnet, which generates life energy and draws to you all you need and desire.”

“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.”

“If you extend mercy, you will receive mercy.  What matters most is that you be merciful in your thinking.  If you commit kind deeds out of fear, or in order to receive rewards or the good opinion or favor of others, you are being hypocritical and your rewards will be as tainted as your motive.”

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”

“God has no physical form, other than as everything and everyone around you, and yourselves.  To ‘see’, in this sense, means to receive spiritual perception, spiritual sight – the sight that causes you to actually see everything and everyone as an aspect of God.  To ‘see’ God is to understand the truth of unity, all as One.  ‘Purity’ is to understand God as the only real Cause – the only real Power.    I could have said, ‘blessed are they who recognize God as the only real Cause and Presence, not just in theory but practically, in every thought and area of their lives.’

“The word ‘heart’ in the Bible can also refer to the subconscious mind.  Head knowledge is learned expression.  Heart knowledge is that which you live and actualize.  You are called to re-educate the subconscious by practicing the Presence of God at all times in all circumstances.  To be ‘pure in heart’ is to have ‘innocent perception,’ to recognize that everything was created in innocence.”

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”

“To become ‘peacemakers’ is to recognize the Oneness of Spirit and to implement that recognition in your thoughts and actions – to  rise above a dualistic approach to living.  You normally see life as a conflict between polar opposites.  It is your challenge to end dualistic thinking.  In the word ‘peacemaker’ I am not referring to your being diplomats, negotiators, counselors or ministers – as in the settling of disputes.  I am referring rather to seeking to perceive wholeness in all things – to end separation and duality.  You have been conditioned by the presence of what appears to be opposites: up/down, male/female, in/out, forward/backward, black/white, happy/sad, light/dark.  You are called to rise above viewing life as a conflict between these seeming opposites.  

“Light and dark are not opposites, but represent variable conditions of exposure to light sources.  Males and females both contain male and female hormones and attributes.  Each seeming opposite is a percentage of the presence of the whole.

“You have thus far seen the process of creating energy as a result of a polar-resistive, friction-generated process.  You are to move to see the possibility of magnetism – the space between the seeming opposites as your source of energy.  You have the potential to end conflict and to create what seems to be free energy.  You often create problems or conflicts for yourselves so you can feel smart, intelligent, accomplished when you resolve them.”

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

 “When you reach a point where you can consciously ‘be’ the love that you are, know you are an aspect of God (Love), you are empowered to transcend suffering or illusions.  Through love, you have power over any situation.  But to prove this to yourselves, to really ‘know’ it, you must set yourselves up to overcome adversity through the power of love.

“God = Love.  When you know and completely understand this truth, illusions, adversities, and hardships will cease to exist in your lives.

“There is no virtue in martyrdom.  There is no virtue or advantage in being persecuted or annoyed by other people.  This cannot happen unless there is something within you, still, that matches this energetically.  You will be treated as you expect to be treated, but this expectation must be backed by truth.  What you see and experience at any time is your own concept of reality.  You create the potential for hindrance and persecution by what you hold in your thoughts, beliefs and subconscious.  When you know, believe, accept, and understand that you are aspects of God (Love), and think, act and hold the vibration of that aspect of yourselves, you live in the Kingdom of Heaven.

“I accepted the persecution of the Romans and gave back love and forgiveness.  I chose this form of death to prove the possibility of ascension, and to prove that there is life after death of the physical body.”


“The present religious scriptures are generally remnants or mis-translations of original Spiritual Teachings offered by God-enlightened Prophets, Masters, Swamis, and Avatars thousands of years ago.  Offered in ancient, now-dead languages, these teachings have been translated and mis-translated into other languages from century to century.  They have been interpreted and mis-interpreted by various scribes, clerics, and theologians.

“Much of what Jehovah did was erroneously attributed to the Creator God.  God has no personality.  Jehovah and Yahweh, serving as Lords of Earth, were both beings with personality.

“Most of the stories in the Old Testament, which are erroneously attributed to the Creator God, are allegorical stories and not based on actual events.  This is another reason that Humans need to become aware that the Bible is not the ‘Word of God,’ but full of personal ideas and mis-translations of Ancient Spiritual Teachings.  

“The Creator God, or Infinite Intelligence, brought into expression ‘Seven Spirits of Creation’ who were referred to in Hebrew as ‘Elohim’; they are sometimes in English referred to as ‘The Builders of Form’.  These Great Beings, using the Power and Attributes of the Creator, caused various energies to come forth and become dynamic.  These Seven Spirits then manifested and materialized planets and star systems by causing a stepping-down, a slowing-down of vibratory frequency of the component atoms and electrons of Source energy. 

“These Seven Spirits of Creation, the Elohim, presently express in your sector of this Omniverse. They include both male and female counterparts and are named:  Apollo and Lumina; Arcturus and Victoria; Cyclopea and Virginia;Hercules and Amazonia; Heros and Amora; Peace and Aloha; Purity and Astrea. 

“What Humans call ‘Nature’, plants, animals and minerals, were created by the members of the Angelic Realm.  There are seven Archangels who express in one of the seven Octaves or Rays, as do the Seven Spirits of Creation, and also include both male and female counterparts.  

“The seven Archangels that presently express in your sector of the Omniverse, including male and female counterparts, are named: Chamuel and Charity; Gabriel and Hope; Jophiel and Christine; Michael and Faith; Raphael and Mother Mary; Uriel and Aurora; Zadkiel and Amethyst.  

“These Archangels serve to manifest various types of Life and Consciousness throughout this Universe.  The Angelic level of creation that have brought forth and manifested the many types of life forms and different aspects of Nature upon the planets are called ‘Devas’.  Every life form on Earth has been created deliberately to create a balance of Nature.  Each created form fulfills a certain purpose, need or function.

“Since the original manifestation of life forms and aspects of Nature, these seven Archangels have continued to manage and maintain their manifestations.  Additionally, they have other responsibilities associated with protecting, teaching and guiding Human souls.  

“These seven Archangels are involved in administering and controlling the seven Rays that the Source created and sent to Earth to assist Human evolution.  They radiate these seven Rays to maintain, energize and nourish all forms and expressions of Life throughout this Universe, including Human, Elemental and Angelic.  

“In addition to the seven Archangels, there are seven Ascended Masters who also have important responsibilities and great Spiritual Authority in the next level of the Brotherhood’s Administrative Branch.  Each of these Ascended Masters also express and serve in one of the seven Rays that represent Attributes of the Creator.  These seven Ascended Masters, to complement the seven Archangels, govern, guide, supervise and teach these expressions of Life and Consciousness throughout your Universe which contains the twelve planets.  

“This Universe is manifested, sustained, and governed in a state of Divine Order, Harmony, Wisdom, and Love in accord with the Creator’s Will and Cosmic Law.  The Spiritual Hierarchy is founded on Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Love, and all Beings who are a part of it express as ONE, each expressing as an impersonal, selfless, inseparable Consciousness within the Creator’s omnipresent Supreme Consciousness.  All Spirit Beings, whether great Lords, Archangels, Masters, or lower Orders of Angels, each aid and serve the Hierarchy in a selfless manner.  Each of the Beings also serve, in a selfless manner, the billions of Human souls and every aspect of planetary manifestation.  They serve each in accord with their individual aptitudes and development of personal Attunement with the Creator’s Attributes.  

“Because of wise management from the Administrative Branch of this Great White Brotherhood (which is also referred to as the Spiritual Hierarchy) each of the twelve planets are maintained and governed in their orderly, precise orbit around the Sun.  The members of the Administrative Branch and their Legions of Angels are not only responsible for bringing forth the Creator’s Cosmic Power, but also for maintaining the resulting energies.  Their maintenance and application of the energies further includes a precise regulation for the orbits of many ‘moons’ around the planets.  The required energies throughout each planet and all aspects of Nature are also sustained and governed in a continuous manner by these great Spiritual Beings and the many Angels, Devas and Nature Spirits that are involved in all of this Creation. Helios and Vesta are the Beings who control Earth’s Sun.

“Though the Creator is omnipresent and fills all space throughout the Omniverse, in vast spaces between galaxies, the Creator’s Attributes are in a dormant, passive, non-expressive condition.  As Pure Spirit and Consciousness occupying the limitless Omniverse, the Creator therefore needs Individualized Expressions of His Beingness in order to express His Attributes in specifically designated areas of the Omniverse.  It is only from and through His Individualized Expressions of Life and Consciousness, His Image and Likeness in the form of Spirit Beings, that the infinite Spirit and Consciousness of the Creator becomes fully expressive and creative.

“In your Universe it is, therefore, through the Great White Brotherhood that the seven-fold Creative Principle becomes activated and dynamic.  These three Attributes of Wisdom, Love and Power are the primal trinity of the Creator that makes Creation possible.  They are the foundational Principle of the Creator’s Expression of Consciousness and Beingness.

“These Divine Attributes occur in varying degrees of expression among both Ascended Beings and un-ascended Humans only in accord with their Spiritual Attunement with the Creator and the purity of their consciousness. 

“It is a definite requirement for every Human on Earth to return to his/her Divine Source.  In order to accomplish this, one must mitigate and dissolve the accumulations of psychic illusions and delusions manifested during this and past embodiments.  The Universal Law decrees that a Human’s negative karma, the sins, iniquities, omissions and commissions in opposition to Cosmic Law must be less than the positive karma of ‘good works’ committed in compliance with the Law.  

“To become an Ascended Being in the Great White Brotherhood of this Universe requires a purified consciousness.  A consciousness must become Spiritualized as a God-enlightened Being to qualify to become a member of the Brotherhood, as anything less would not be of any value in higher dimensions, nor to the  Brotherhood.”

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Jesus Encourages Use Of The Rays of God


“To live a life of appreciation for God and all living things, to actually adore or worship the Source from which it all came, seems difficult for those having free will.  To fully love and admire your Creator should be a daily hour-by-hour practice, not something reserved for a once-a-week Sunday church meeting and then abandoned the rest of the time or never thought of at all in the currently popular intellectual climates that foster the seeds of disdain.  This lack of reverence has sent many civilizations and even universes to their destruction, and so it is your nemesis, your enemy, the satanic aspect within yourself to be overcome in your 12th Universe.

“All twelve universes were created by the one Central Being and then assisted by other immense Beings of Light and by wise and loving energies unknown to most of you on Earth but selected for their specific talents by the One-Giver-of-Life.  This great plan has generally been captained, if you will, by the Twelve Sons, or Rays of God, who were created from the awesome power your vocabulary cannot describe and your imagination cannot formulate.  Under these superlative twelve Rays, a gigantic congregation of light workers was selected to manifest the blueprint of God’s life forms into matter and, of course, those souls without the light who do not have reverence and respect for what is planned, are never chosen for other opportunities in these spiritual/scientific implementations.

“It is critical for you to recognize that God is expressed though the Rays to your planet, and you will need to know which Rays you are most influenced by, which you will be drawn towards in particular.  All these Rays come from the Creator and can only express to you on third-dimensional Earth as light broken into the color spectrum you see in the rainbow. You know them as the seven rainbow colors, but actually they are facets of God used to influence certain qualities of your beingness.  This may be difficult to understand, but if you can accept that color in your world has more than just aesthetic value, even your medical profession can use color for healing purposes as did past civilizations on Earth.

“Blue is like a gentle sedative and brings peace, relaxation, and pain relief. It is good when overstimulation has occurred.  Red has the opposite use.  You have many books about this, but they are regrettably not believed by most doctors on your planet. 

“In addition to your seven colors of the rainbow, the five higher colors, or Rays, those with more luminosity, are scarcely known at all to you.  But that which you call silvery, as in moonlight will be appearing more and more in this time and is the energy to bring you an emphasis on peace and preservation of life.  Silver can come as moon glow or as a blend with your other seven colors to provide different nuances and emphases to the colors you now know.  In the Aquarian Age there will be great emphasis on colors, or the Rays since they are aspects of God. 

“‘The Fall’, which is spoken about in many religions, occurred because of this exact issue of lack of reverence, love and commitment to the Source-of-All Life.  

“You, bj, have been commissioned by the Spiritual Hierarchy to reveal, through the written word, a more detailed history of the Rays and the fact that there are now forty-nine Rays of energy, aspects of God, pouring onto the Earth to assist Humans to wake up and remember their Divine natures.  Here I would like for you to explain the first twelve Rays, which are most useful to individuals who now may become aware of the Rays.


Day of HonorTuesday


Angel of the First RayArchangel Michael

Elohim of the First RayHercules

Hercules’ Divine ComplementLady Amazonia

Chohan of the First RayAscendedMaster El Morya Khan


Lord of the First Ray

Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood

The Master El Morya is dedicated to the teaching of esoteric wisdom. With Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, the Master R, and Saint Germain, he sponsored the Theosophical Society, the writings of Madame H. P. Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, and many others.  He sponsors serious students of spiritual awareness and intuition.  He sponsors many third dimensional schools of higher learning, once called “mystery schools”. Although appearing in meditation to be a stern taskmaster with almost no sense of humor, my experience is he has great love and compassion to offer the serious seeker.  He does not work long or consistently with those who are inclined to be egotistical or only concerned with intellectual understanding without developing personal faith.  He can assist the student to develop faith in God’s Will and to grasp a deeper understanding of Universal Law as it relates to third- dimensional life on Earth.  He usually appears to the student in meditation wearing a turban and a robe.  His eyes are intense and dark in color; his gaze penetrates through any deception the student has held.  Master El Morya teaches the acceptance of personal responsibility and accountability.  He teaches the possibility of the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness within each individual, and that discipleship to the Creator God is a necessity.  In meditation, when sought, he conveys “the quickening” to his students.  His teachings include the use of the mantra “I AM THAT I AM” and belief in the Christ within.  He often refers to his students as “chelas” or “adepts.”  He is sometimes referred to as Master M.  His signature is M.

Ray ColorsCobalt Blue and White

GemstonesSapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Diamonds


Related Human SenseTouch

ConstellationsAries – Leo – Capricorn



Pomp and Circumstance”, refers to a set of marches by Sir Edward Elgar, also known as “Land of Hope and Glory” (music only)

Onward Christian Soldiers”, was adapted from slow movement of Hayden’s Symphony No. 53 (music only). When first published as a hymn, words by Rev. S. Baring-Gould,tune by J. B. Dykes. 

Purpose and Uses of the First Ray

God qualities amplified through the First Ray are Omnipotence and Perfection.  It may be invoked for protection.  It may be invoked for an individual to have the faith to do the Will of God.  The First Ray may be called forth to assist a person to become self-ruled, self-dependent, self-actualized through understanding the Will of God for their own lives as well as the Divine Plan of the Creator for Earth, this Galaxy and Universe.  This is a Ray for developing independence and intuition in order to become self-governed through spiritual awareness, and therefore free.  It gives the power to become one’s own authority through spiritual discernment of God’s Will.   A person infused with the First Ray accepts their own divine nature and a willingness to be their own divine authority, to be self-controlled and to develop self-mastery.

The First Ray virtues are: Truth, Faith and the Will and Power to Create.  In order to stay balanced, it is important to balance the drive of the First Ray with the energies of Love and Wisdom, the energies of the Second and Third Rays.


Day of HonorSunday


Angel of the Second RayArchangel Jophiel

Elohim of the Second RayApollo

Apollo’s Divine ComplementLady Lumina

Chohan of the Second RayAscended Master Lord Lanto

Lord Lanto’s Divine ComplementLady Christine 


Lord of the Second Ray

Master of the Golden Flame of Illumination 

Master of the Chinese-Green Fire for Precipitation

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Lord Lanto teaches the mantra of balance: “I AM Alpha and Omega in the white fire core of Being.”  He teaches initiative and action: “Rule your circumstances and be not ruled by them.”  He teaches, “Judge not, lest you be judged.”  He teaches one to be as concerned about the life of others as he is about one’s own, the life of karma yoga.  He teaches the rearrangement of energies from various octaves, the alchemy of the Holy Spirit.  His is a teaching of entering into the flow of the God within.  To be the artisan of the Spirit is the goal.  He teaches that we have the power and authority to call all circumstances to come into alignment with THE GREAT LAW, the authority to command life.  Energy is God.  Lord Lanto assists in removing the veils of ignorance to expose maya. He offers the administration of the fires of understanding to his students.  His focus is with the youth of the World. 

Ray ColorsYellow, Gold

GemstonesYellow Diamond, Yellow Sapphire and Topaz


FlowerWhite Fire Lilies

Related Human SenseHearing

ConstellationsGemini – Virgo – Pisces



Song of the Evening Star” from the opera Taunhauser by Wagner.

Chariots of Fire” by Vangelis. 

Purpose and Uses of the Second Ray:

The Second Ray amplifies the three-fold flame of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness, Omniscience, Understanding, Illumination, Perception, Wisdom, and Desire to Know God through the Mind.  The major focus of the Second Ray is to inspire individuals to turn knowledge into Wisdom and to temper Wisdom with Love and Compassion.  The Second Ray represents “feeling-knowledge” and “brotherhood.”  It also teaches us not to carry altruism to lengths which are absurd (to the point of weakening the other).  It teaches us not to assist others beyond what is to their highest good, whether it is animal or Human.  Those students seeking the Love/Wisdom initiation and balance of their masculine/feminine natures may invoke the Second Ray.  


Day of HonorMonday


Angel of the Third RayArchangel Chamuel 

Elohim of the Third RayHero

Hero’s Divine ComplementLady Amora

Chohan of the Third RayAscended Master Paul the Venetian   

Master Paul the Venetian’s Divine ComplementLady Charity


Lord of the Third Ray

Chief of the Brotherhood of the Third Ray of Divine Love

Keeper of the Emerald Fire of Precipitation

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Master Paul the Venetian wears a pink cape lined in green.  He is a scientist as well as an artist.  He tutors his students in the Law of Love and the Law of Discipline.  His focus is on art, music, architecture, engineering, and the culture of Divine Mother, which antedates Lemuria and goes back to the earliest Golden Ages of Earth. His teaching includes the belief that the more disciplined we are, the more energy of Love we can express.  He teaches techniques for expressing Love through the creation of beauty, symmetry, and design in form, in ritual, and the balance of heart, head and hand.  “The art of living Love is to be creative.  The art of being creative is to be self-disciplined.”  His teaching focuses on the Cosmic Christ Consciousness fleur-de-lis, representing Love, Power, and Wisdom.  He is devoted to perfecting of the soul and the development of the intuitive and creative faculties of the heart.  His special gift is to teach students the discernment of spirits.  

Ray ColorsPink, Rose

Gemstones: Ruby, Diamond, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Pink Beryl


Related Human SenseFeeling Nature

ConstellationsCancer – Libra ‒ Capricorn



Brahms’ Lullaby” by Johannes Brahms

Hail Mary Mother of the Flame

Music of the Spheres” Stephen Halpren

Music of St. John of the Cross 

Purpose and Uses of the Third Ray:

The Third Ray amplifies the qualities of Tolerance, Love, Adoration, Discipline, Creativity, Tact, Diplomacy, Arbitration, Patience, Forbearance, Unity, Brotherhood, Culture, Beauty, and Perfecting the Manifestation of Heart.  The Third Ray is the Ray of the refined mind, the spoken word and abstract intellect – the plane of Spirit and the higher causal mind.  This Ray may be called upon when there is a need to discern spirits.  The Third Ray strengthens Tolerance, Tact and Patience, and tempers the desire for perfection and intellectual pursuit with common sense and sincerity.  Students seeking initiation of The Tree of Life or The Sacred Heart may invoke the Third Ray. 


Day of HonorFriday

ChakraBase of the Spine

Angel of the Fourth RayArchangel Gabriel

Elohim of the Fourth RayPurity

Purity’s Divine ComplementAstrea

Chohan of the Fourth RayAscended Master Serapis Bey

Master Serapis Bey’s Divine Complement: Lady Hope


Lord of the Fourth Ray  

Keeper of the Ascension Flame

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Master Serapis Bey works with chelas to teach “Love Is Perfected In Love,” the motto above the Ascension Temple.  He works with beings that choose to raise their energy vibration in preparation for ascension.

Ray Colors:   Fiery white with a crystal glow

GemstonesDiamond, Pearl, Zircon, Quartz Crystal

FragranceLilac and Hyacinth

FlowerCalla Lily

Related Human SenseSight

ConstellationsTaurus – Scorpio – Sagittarius



Triumphal March” and “Celeste Aida” from Aida

Liebestraum” by Franz Liszt

Purpose and Uses of the Fourth Ray

The attributes of the Fourth Ray are Purity, Action, Clarity, Discipline, Intuition, Humility and Joy.  The Fourth Ray is the Ray of Beauty, Harmony and Artistic Endeavor, the Ray of Ascension.  The Master Serapis Bey says, “We ascend daily, not all at once.  To ascend is to blend in cosmic unity with the heart of the Eternal.”

The Fourth Ray and its Master bring us in contact with the Feminine Principle of Creation, the energy of the Divine Mother.  The Master says, “The abundance of every good and perfect, miraculous gift of God is derived from the white light of the Mother, whose sacred fire breath is at the heart of every atom and sun center.”

The Fourth Ray is often called the Ray of “Harmony Through Conflict” or the Ray of Struggle.  In order to tap into the higher intuitive mind, one must tame the ego and the emotional body, which most often results in years of struggle and frustration.

The Fourth Ray may be called upon to work miracles and to increase one’s vibrations to move toward ascension.  The science of sound and science of the Word are known in the white fire core of the Fourth Ray.



Day of HonorWednesday

ChakraThird Eye

Angel of the Fifth RayArchangel Raphael

Elohim of the Fifth RayCyclopea

Cyclopea’s ComplementLady Virginia

Chohan of the Fifth RayAscended Master Hilarion 

Master Hilarion’s Divine ComplementMother Mary 


Lord of the Fifth Ray

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Master Hilarion, together with the Brotherhood of Crete, the Brotherhood of Truth, and Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, sponsor teachers of Truth, servants of God, religious leaders, and missionaries, as well as those practicing the healing arts, scientists and engineers in all fields, mathematicians, musicians, and those specializing in computer and space technology.

Master Hilarion is especially concerned with helping atheists, agnostics, and skeptics who, because of the leaders of the Church and State, have become disillusioned with religion and life in general. His motto is: “And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free, i.e., Whole.”

Ray ColorsIntense Fiery Green (Emerald-Teal) and Gold

GemstonesEmerald, Diamond, Jade, Quartz Crystal

FragranceLavender and Peppermint

Related Human SenseInner Vision (Intuition)

ConstellationsLeo – Sagittarius – Aquarius



Onward Christian Soldiers” was adapted from slow movement of Haydn’s Symphony No. 53 (music only). When first published as a hymn, words by Rev. S. Baring-Gould, tune by J. B. Dykes.   

Purpose and Uses of the Fifth Ray:  

Attributes of the Fifth Ray are:  Healing, Surrender, Selflessness, Concentration, Listening, Dedication, Truth, Science, Precipitation, Actualization, Practicality, Healing, Rejuvenation and Vision.  The Fifth Ray is the Ray of Concrete Knowledge and the Mental Plane.  One may invoke the Fifth Ray to help strengthen mental focus and to create balance.  The Fifth Ray focuses on the scientific attributes of the Laws of Creation and will enhance a person’s desire for Truth and Justice.  If a person is overly emotional, bringing in the energies of the Fifth Ray will help to create balance.


Day of HonorThursday


Angel of the Sixth RayArchangel Uriel

Elohim of the Sixth RayPeace

Peace’s Divine ComplementAloha

Chohan of the Sixth RayMaster Lady Nada 

As Lord of the Sixth Ray of Ministration and Service, the Ascended Master Lady Nada assists ministers, missionaries, healers, teachers, psychologists, counselors at law, professional people, public servants in government, as well as those devoted to serving the needs of God’s children in every branch of Human and health services.  You will also find her at the side of businessmen and women, blue-collar, skilled, and unskilled workers, farmers, ranchers, defenders of Freedom and revolutionaries of Love in every field.  She teaches the principle and practice of sacred labor as the effective means to achieve the goal of ascension.


Master of the Sixth Ray

World Mother

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Member of the Karmic Board

Ray ColorsPurple, Metallic Gold and Ruby

GemstonesTopaz, Ruby, Alexandrite, Diamond with Pearl


Related Human SenseSpeech

ConstellationsVirgo – Sagittarius – Pisces



The music of Hildegard of Bingen

Feather on the Breath of God”

“O Jerusalem” 

Purpose and Uses of the Sixth Ray

Virtues of the Sixth Ray are: Devotion, Forgiveness, Healing, Mercy, Tenderness, Grace, Harmony, Peace, and Tranquility.  The Sixth Ray is an emotionally based Ray, and one of the purposes of this Ray is to help dissolve the energies of the lower astral planes.  This Ray is focused within the subconscious mind to endeavor to awaken the subconscious mind to consciousness. When the subconscious becomes conscious it can then be in harmony with the superconscious mind.  We may invoke the energies of this Ray to move Humanity out of religious dogma and a sense of separation, into spiritual awareness and unity consciousness. 

The gifts of the Holy Spirit, which Lady Nada administers, are those of diverse kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues.  These gifts involve the mastery of nuances of vibration in the five secret Rays and their almost infinite combinations with the elements of the seven Rays as the qualities of the Word are released through the chakras.

Lady Nada says, “Therefore, the Sixth Ray may be invoked to understand diverse kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues.  As pertains to Human, Divine, and Angelic tongues, these gifts involve the mastery of speech, communication, and the delivery of the Word.  They range from the mastery of Earth’s languages for the transmission of the Word universally, to proficiency in the tongues of Angels as spoken by the Angelic messengers through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.” 

Lady Nada is an advocate of children and may be called upon to assist in any situation involving children and parenting.

We may invoke the emotional intensity of the Sixth Ray, strengthen it with the mental focus of the fifth Ray, and then blend it with the transformative energy of the Seventh Ray, and be on our way to mastery.




Day of HonorSaturday

ChakraSeat of the Soul

Angel of the Seventh RayArchangel Zadkiel

Elohim of the Seventh RayArcturus

Arcturus’ ComplementLady Victoria

Chohan of the Seventh RayAscended Master Saint Germain

Master St. Germain’s Divine Complement

Ascended Master Lady Portia – Goddess of Justice


Lord of the Seventh Ray

Master of the Violet Flame of Transmutation

Chief of the Council of Ascended Masters

Ray ColorsViolet and Gold



Related Human SenseSmell

ConstellationsAries – Cancer – Capricorn



Song of St. Germain” Hail to the Chief” by James Sanderson

America the Beautiful” words by Katharine Lee Bates, music by Samuel Augustus Ward, taken from the hymn “Materna” a poem written while Bates was standing on Pikes Peak, Colorado.  

Purpose and Uses of the Seventh Ray:  

Virtues of the Seventh Ray are: Freedom, Purification, Redemption, Service, Invocation, Manifestation, Diplomacy and Refinement.  The Seventh Ray is the Ray of the Aquarian Age.  It brings forth the Violet Transmuting Flame.  It is the Ray of Invocation, manifesting in the highest form of Service.  It is the Ray of conscious Transmutation, and The Violet Flame is also the Flame of Forgiveness.  One may invoke the Angels of the Violet Flame to assist in transforming mis-qualified energy back into neutral Light Substance and to help move through the transmutation process with ease and grace.  The Violet Flame of Transmutation may be called forth to recondition any situation to a state of perfection or homeostasis.  It may be invoked to transmute one substance into another, such as lead into gold.  It may be invoked to transmute pollution and to promote healing.


I call upon the Master Saint Germain

I call upon the Elohim Arcturus and Lady Victoria

I call upon the Archangel Zadkiel

Of the Violet Ray

To pour Divine Transmutation

Through all that I AM.

I call upon the Amethyst Ray

To transform every cell,

Every atom of my body

Into Higher Light.

I call upon the Violet Flame

To burn within my soul 

And to release all veils

That separate me from Spirit.

I call upon the Violet Flame to burn away my illusions,

To burn away my resistances,

And to transmute my fear into love.

So be it.



Lord Maha Chohan, Liberator of the Sacred Fire of All Seven Rays

Days of Honor:  All Seven

Chakra:  Eighth Chakra

Retreat:  Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

Vibration of Colors:  White, Pink, Rose, Ruby, White Fire Core Colors of All Rays

Gemstones:  Diamond, Yellow Diamond, Topaz, Ruby, Rose Quartz, Pink Beryl and Pearl

Related Human Quality:  Breath of Life


“Ave Maria” (Hail Mary) by Franz Schubert, is a prayer consisting partly of biblical salutations of the Archangel Gabriel and Elizabeth to the Virgin Mary, and partly of matter added in the 15th century from Walter Scott’s poem “The Lady of the Lake.”

Gift:  Initiation of the Eighth Chakra


Angel of the Eighth Ray:  Angel Rekiaus

Chohans of the Eighth Ray:  

Lady Nada (World Mother)

Lady Kuan Yin (Goddess of Mercy)

Mother Mary 

Lady Claire

Lady Master Venus

Lady Amethyst


Members of Council of the Feminine Power of Creation

Ray Colors:  Aqua, Purple and Lavender

Gemstones:  Aquamarine, Emeralds, Pearls and Amethyst

Fragrances:  Roses and Lavender

Symbol:  The Rose


“Colors of the Wind” Elton John

“Candle in the Wind” Elton John and Bernie Taupin

Music of Hildegard of Bingen

“Feather on the Breath of God”

“O Jerusalem” 

Braham’s Lullaby by Johannes Braham

Purpose and Uses of the Eighth Ray:  

The Eighth Ray amplifies the energy of Nurturing, Compassion, Forgiveness, Consolation, Transformation, Transfiguration, Creation, and Clarity to any person or situation.


Angel of the Ninth Ray: Angel Zionnas

Chohan of the Ninth Ray: Ascended Master Lady Kuan Yin, “Goddess of Mercy”


Master of the Ninth Ray

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters 

Member of the Council of the Feminine Power of Creation

Ray Colors:  Magenta and Gold

Gemstones:  Rubies, Sapphires and Opals

Symbol:  Lotus Flower   

Fragrances:  Sandalwood and Roses


Canon in D with ocean sounds by Johann Pachelbel

Music of Hildegard of Bingen

 “Feather on the Breath of God”

 “O Jerusalem” 

Purpose and Uses of the Ninth Ray: 

The Ninth Ray may be invoked to call forth Harmony to replace any kind of discord or confusion. The Ninth Ray promotes Clarity.


Angel of the Tenth Ray:  Angel Gustavius

Chohan of the Tenth Ray:  Master Melchizedek



Chief of Council of THE Ancients 

Lord of the Tenth Ray

Priest of the Most High God  

Head of the Council of Healers and Ministers

Head of the Order of Melchizedek  

Ray Colors:  Gold, White and Royal Purple

Gemstones:  Gold, Pearls, Diamonds, Amethyst and Moldavite

Fragrances:  Cinnamon and Nutmeg

Music:  “Messiah” by George Frideric Handel (music only)

Purpose and Uses of the Tenth Ray: 

The Tenth Ray may be called forth to create peace in any situation.


Angel of the Eleventh Ray: Angel Ziekius

Chohan of the Eleventh Ray: Master Viracocha


Lord of the Eleventh Ray

Member of the Council of Elders

Ray Colors:  Peach and Aqua

Gemstones:  Tourmaline and Aquamarine

Fragrances:  Hibiscus and Freesia 

Music:  Peruvian Flute Music 

Purpose and Uses of the Eleventh Ray:  

The Eleventh Ray may be invoked to increase an awakening in Humanity from spiritual amnesia, to awaken Humanity to their own Divinity and the truth of the Creator God. This Ray may be invoked to awaken an individual to their soul contract and purpose.


Angel of the Twelfth Ray:  Angel Merconius

Chohan of the Twelfth Ray:  Master Quetzalcoatl


Lord of the Twelfth Ray 

Chief of Council of the Opalescent Rays (Council of Seven)

Ray Colors: Opalescent spectrum of all seven rainbow colors 

Gemstones:  Diamonds, Watermelon Tourmaline, Opals of all ranges and Moldavite

Fragrances:  Hyacinth and Copal incense

Symbols:  Plumed Serpent, Butterflies (Swallowtail & Monarch) and Seashells


Flute music of Galway

“Amazing Grace”

“Danny Boy” (music only) possibly written by Rory Dall O’Cahan Morrison

“Greensleeves” author unknown (music only)

“Colors of the Wind” from Pocahontas by Elton John

“Candle in the Wind” by Elton John

“Circle of Life” from The Lion King by Elton John

“How Great Thou Art” by Carl G. Boberg, 1885

Purpose and Uses of the Twelfth Ray:  

The Twelfth Ray may be invoked to bring the energy of Transformation of Human consciousness from religious persecution and slavery to acceptance of diversity and equality of all people as equal and Divine.

The Twelfth Ray focuses the energy of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

Jesus says, “If you would be a true scientist and an understanding Human Being, it is critical for you to recognize that God is expressed through the Rays to your planet, and you will need to know by which Rays you are most influenced, which you will be drawn towards in particular. Your soul can give you this information. 

“All of these Rays come from the Creator and can only express to you on third-dimensional Earth as light broken into the color spectrum you see in the rainbow, and now as the double rainbow.  You have known them as the seven rainbow colors, but actually they are facets of God used to influence certain qualities of your beingness.  This may be difficult to understand, but if you can accept that color in your world has more than just aesthetic value and, that personally, you have a responsibility to call them forth for your own use, and to enhance Humanity’s spiritual growth, you will accomplish much.  I leave you with these thoughts.” 

The scientists of this world should realize spiritual power is the basis of what Humans call science.



I ask that all energy work that is done in and through my body be in alignment with the Divine Plan of the Creator for planet Earth, all species of life on Earth and beyond.



Through the power vested in me by the Cosmic Christ Consciousness, I deliberately call forth the 1st Blue Ray of God’s Will or Power to calm and transmute this situation. So be it.

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Jesus Speaks On The Rays of God


“Once Spiritual Sight is manifested in a Human, they can become aware of the Creator God as Spiritual Light.  Most Humans are currently unable to see this high vibration of Light.  This Light is now being recognized by some of Earth’s scientists in a limited manner and they describe it as ‘Cosmic Rays’, or as ‘ultra- high-energy gamma rays’.  Measured with instruments fabricated from earthly elements, the full scope of Spiritual Light is, however, impossible to detect with such scientific instruments.  In fact, only the lowest frequency of this Light can be detected, of which there are seven basic frequencies, or seven Rays.  These Rays are visible by Human sight as the rainbow.

“As I stated before, these Rays, which were gifted by the Creator God to the Earth and Humans at the time of the Great Flood, represented the seven Attributes of God at that time.  In more recent years, as you are aware, God has increased the number of Rays, with 49 Rays now reaching the Earth, which now represent the expanded Attributes of God.  Additional Masters, known as Chohans, administer these Rays with the assistance of their Complements and Angels.

“Each Ray has been assigned a Chohan. The first seven include the Masters’ Complements, and an Angel was assigned.  The additional Rays each have been assigned a Chohan and an Angel.  Each Ray reflects as a color and a vibration at a specific frequency that matches a fragrance and the molecules of certain minerals.  Each Ray resonates with certain pieces of music that have been channeled historically to the Earth.”  


Day of HonorTuesday


Angel of the First RayArchangel Michael

Elohim of the First RayHercules

Hercules’ Divine ComplementLady Amazonia

Retreat of Hercules and Lady Amazonia

Half Dome, Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A.

Chohan of the First RayAscendedMaster El Morya Khan


Lord of the First Ray

Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood

Master El Morya’s Divine ComplementLady Faith

Lady Faith’s RetreatsBanff andLake Louise, Alberta, Canada

The Master El Morya is dedicated to the teaching of esoteric wisdom. With Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, the Master R, and Saint Germain, he sponsored the Theosophical Society, the writings of Madame H. P. Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, and many others.  He sponsors serious students of spiritual awareness and intuition.  He sponsors many third dimensional schools of higher learning, once called “mystery schools”. Although appearing in meditation to be a stern taskmaster with almost no sense of humor, my experience is he has great love and compassion to offer the serious seeker.  He does not work long or consistently with those who are inclined to be egotistical or only concerned with intellectual understanding without developing personal faith.  He can assist the student to develop faith in God’s Will and to grasp a deeper understanding of Universal Law as it relates to third- dimensional life on Earth.  He usually appears to the student in meditation wearing a turban and a robe.  His eyes are intense and dark in color; his gaze penetrates through any deception the student has held.  Master El Morya teaches the acceptance of personal responsibility and accountability.  He teaches the possibility of the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness within each individual, and that discipleship to the Creator God is a necessity.  In meditation, when sought, he conveys “the quickening” to his students.  His teachings include the use of the mantra “I AM THAT I AM” and belief in the Christ within.  He often refers to his students as “chelas” or “adepts.”  He is sometimes referred to as Master M.  His signature is M.

Suspected past incarnations of Master El Morya

Abraham, father of the Hebrew nation as mentioned in The Bible

Melchior, one of the wise men who came to Jesus in Bethlehem

Arthur, King of the Britons, creator of Camelot

St. Thomas A. Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, killed by King Henry II’s men, martyred, canonized in 1173. 

Sir Thomas More, St. Thomas More, beheaded 1535, canonized 1886

Thomas Moore, Poet Laureate of Ireland 

Emperor Akbar


Temple of Goodwill, Darjeeling, India 

Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Ray ColorsCobalt Blue and White

GemstonesSapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Diamonds


Related Human SenseTouch

ConstellationsAries – Leo – Capricorn



Pomp and Circumstance”, refers to a set of marches by Sir Edward Elgar, also known as “Land of Hope and Glory” (music only)

Onward Christian Soldiers”, was adapted from slow movement of Hayden’s Symphony No. 53 (music only). When first published as a hymn, words by Rev. S. Baring-Gould,tune by J. B. Dykes. 


Utopia and Dialogue of Comfort on Tribulation as St. Thomas More.

Writings as Ireland’s poet laureate Thomas Moore, who was also famous for his biography of George Gordon Byron.

Inspired the work of Thomas Moore: 

Soul Mates 

Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life

Works Master El Morya channeled through Elizabeth Clare Prophet:

Ashram Notes by the Ascended Master El Morya

Aventura sagrada

Morya by El Morya

Light From Heavenly Lanterns

The Sacred Adventure

The Chela and The Path: Meeting the Challenge of Life in the Twentieth Century

Morya: The Darjeeling Master Speaks to His Chelas on Quest for the Holy Grail

Encyclical on World Good Will

Bound issues of Pearls of Wisdom

Master El Morya inspired and contributed to writings channeled through Alice A. Bailey:

Initiation, Human and Solar

Letters on Occult Meditation

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

A Treatise on White Magic

Discipleship in the New Age – Vol. I

Discipleship in the New Age – Vol. II

The Problems of Humanity

The Reappearance of the Christ

The Destiny of Nations

Glamour: A World Problem

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

Education in the New Age

The Externalization of the Hierarchy

A Treatise on the Seven Rays

Vol. I – Esoteric Psychology I

Vol. II – Esoteric Psychology II

Vol. III – Esoteric Astrology

Vol. IV – Esoteric Healing

Vol. V – The Rays and the Initiations

The Light of The Soul (The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali paraphrased by the Tibetan, with commentary by Alice A. Bailey)

Master El Morya inspired and contributed to the writings of Madame H. P. Blavatsky:

Isis Unveiled: A Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology: Vol. I – Science

Isis Unveiled: A Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology:  Vol.  II – Theology

The Secret Doctrine Vol. I – Cosmogenesis – The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy

The Secret Doctrine Vol. II – Anthropogenesis – The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy

The Key to Theosophy

Studies in Occultism

The Voice of Silence

Purpose and Uses of the First Ray

God qualities amplified through the First Ray are Omnipotence and Perfection.  It may be invoked for protection.  It may be invoked for an individual to have the faith to do the Will of God.  The First Ray may be called forth to assist a person to become self-ruled, self-dependent, self-actualized through understanding the Will of God for their own lives as well as the Divine Plan of the Creator for Earth, this Galaxy and Universe.  This is a Ray for developing independence and intuition in order to become self-governed through spiritual awareness, and therefore free.  It gives the power to become one’s own authority through spiritual discernment of God’s Will.   A person infused with the First Ray accepts their own divine nature and a willingness to be their own divine authority, to be self-controlled and to develop self-mastery.

The First Ray virtues are: Truth, Faith and the Will and Power to Create.  In order to stay balanced, it is important to balance the drive of the First Ray with the energies of Love and Wisdom, the energies of the Second and Third Rays.


Day of HonorSunday


Angel of the Second RayArchangel Jophiel

Elohim of the Second RayApollo

Apollo’s Divine ComplementLady Lumina

Retreat of Apollo and Lady Lumina: Western Lower Saxony, Germany

Chohan of the Second RayAscended Master Lord Lanto


Lord of the Second Ray

Master of the Golden Flame of Illumination 

Master of the Chinese-Green Fire for Precipitation

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Lord Lanto teaches the mantra of balance: “I AM Alpha and Omega in the white fire core of Being.”  He teaches initiative and action: “Rule your circumstances and be not ruled by them.”  He teaches, “Judge not, lest you be judged.”  He teaches one to be as concerned about the life of others as he is about one’s own, the life of karma yoga.  He teaches the rearrangement of energies from various octaves, the alchemy of the Holy Spirit.  His is a teaching of entering into the flow of the God within.  To be the artisan of the Spirit is the goal.  He teaches that we have the power and authority to call all circumstances to come into alignment with THE GREAT LAW, the authority to command life.  Energy is God.  Lord Lanto assists in removing the veils of ignorance to expose maya. He offers the administration of the fires of understanding to his students.  His focus is with the youth of the World. 

Suspected past incarnations of Master Lanto:

High Priest, Temple of the Divine Mother, Lemuria

High Priest in Atlantis

High Priest in Poseidonis

Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism

RetreatRoyal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Lord Lanto’s Divine ComplementLady Christine 

Lady Christine’s Retreats:  

South of the Great Wall near Lanchow, North Central China.  

Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Ray ColorsYellow, Gold

GemstonesYellow Diamond, Yellow Sapphire, and Topaz


FlowerWhite Fire Lilies

Related Human SenseHearing

ConstellationsGemini – Virgo – Pisces



Song of the Evening Star” from the opera Taunhauser by Wagner.

Chariots of Fire” by Vangelis. 


Tao Te Ching as Lao Tzu

Lanto’s Prayer 

Understanding Yourself  

Purpose and Uses of the Second Ray:

The Second Ray amplifies the three-fold flame of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness, Omniscience, Understanding, Illumination, Perception, Wisdom, and Desire to Know God through the Mind.  The major focus of the Second Ray is to inspire individuals to turn knowledge into Wisdom and to temper Wisdom with Love and Compassion.  The Second Ray represents “feeling-knowledge” and “brotherhood.”  It also teaches us not to carry altruism to lengths which are absurd (to the point of weakening the other).  It teaches us not to assist others beyond what is to their highest good, whether it is animal or Human.  Those students seeking the Love/Wisdom initiation and balance of their masculine/feminine natures may invoke the Second Ray.  


Day of HonorMonday


Angel of the Third RayArchangel Chamuel 

Elohim of the Third RayHero

Hero’s Divine ComplementLady Amora

Retreat of Hero and Lady Amora:  Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Chohan of the Third RayAscended Master Paul the Venetian   


Lord of the Third Ray

Chief of the Brotherhood of the Third Ray of Divine Love

Keeper of the Emerald Fire of Precipitation

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Master Paul the Venetian wears a pink cape lined in green.  He is a scientist as well as an artist.  He tutors his students in the Law of Love and the Law of Discipline.  His focus is on art, music, architecture, engineering, and the culture of the Divine Mother, which antedates Lemuria and goes back to the earliest Golden Ages of Earth. His teaching includes the belief that the more disciplined we are, the more energy of Love we can express.  He teaches techniques for expressing Love through the creation of beauty, symmetry, and design in form, in ritual, and the balance of heart, head and hand.  “The art of living Love is to be creative.  The art of being creative is to be self-disciplined.”  His teaching focuses on the Cosmic Christ Consciousness fleur-de-lis, representing Love, Power, and Wisdom.  He is devoted to perfecting of the soul and the development of the intuitive and creative faculties of the heart.  His special gift is to teach students the discernment of spirits.  

Suspected Past Incarnations of Master Paul the Venetian:

Paolo Caliari Veronese, Italian Renaissance painter

Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591) Mystical doctor & founder of Discalced Carmelites

Lemurian Artist

Atlantis Artist

Incan Artist

Egyptian Master Mason worked with creating the pyramids.


Chateau de Liberte, Southern France

The Isle of Malta

Temple of the Sun, New York City (Statue of Liberty is infused with the energy of Lady Liberty, the mother of Paul the Venetian.  She is the keeper of the Flame of Liberty on behalf of America and the “I AM Race.”)

Washington Monument, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Master Paul the Venetian’s Divine ComplementLady Charity

Lady Charity’s RetreatSt. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.

Ray ColorsPink, Rose

Gemstones: Ruby, Diamond, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Pink Beryl


Related Human SenseFeeling Nature

ConstellationsCancer – Libra ‒ Capricorn



Brahms’ Lullaby” by Johannes Brahms

Hail Mary Mother of the Flame

Music of the Spheres” Stephen Halpren

Music of St. John of the Cross 


Collected works of Saint John of the Cross, translated by Kiern Kavanaugh

Purpose and Uses of the Third Ray:

The Third Ray amplifies the qualities of Tolerance, Love, Adoration, Discipline, Creativity, Tact, Diplomacy, Arbitration, Patience, Forbearance, Unity, Brotherhood, Culture, Beauty, and Perfecting the Manifestation of Heart.  The Third Ray is the Ray of the refined mind, the spoken word and abstract intellect – the plane of Spirit and the higher causal mind.  This Ray may be called upon when there is a need to discern spirits.  The Third Ray strengthens Tolerance, Tact and Patience, and tempers the desire for perfection and intellectual pursuit with common sense and sincerity.  Students seeking initiation of The Tree of Life or The Sacred Heart may invoke the Third Ray. 


Day of HonorFriday

ChakraBase of the Spine

Angel of the Fourth RayArchangel Gabriel

Elohim of the Fourth RayPurity

Purity’s Divine ComplementAstrea

Retreat of Purity and Astrea:  

Near the Gulf of Archangel, southeast

The White Sea, Russia

Chohan of the Fourth RayAscended Master Serapis Bey


Lord of the Fourth Ray  

Keeper of the Ascension Flame

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Master Serapis Bey works with chelas to teach “Love Is Perfected In Love,” the motto above the Ascension Temple.  He works with beings that choose to raise their energy vibration in preparation for ascension.

Suspected past incarnations of Master Serapis Bey:

High Priest in the Ascension Temple on Atlantis 

Leonides, King of Sparta

Amenhotep III – Egyptian Pharaoh – Built the Temple of Luxor


Retreat of the Ascension Flame, Luxor, Eastern Thebes

Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A,

Master Serapis Bey’s Divine Complement: Lady Hope

Lady Hope’s Retreat:  

Between Sacramento and Mount Shasta, California, U.S.A.

Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Ray Colors:  Fiery white with a crystal glow

GemstonesDiamond, Pearl, Zircon, Quartz Crystal

FragranceLilac and Hyacinth

FlowerCalla Lily

Related Human SenseSight

ConstellationsTaurus – Scorpio – Sagittarius



Triumphal March” and “Celeste Aida” from Aida

Liebestraum” by Franz Liszt


Dossier on Ascension

Master Serapis Bey inspired and contributed to writings channeled through Alice A. Bailey:

Initiation, Human and Solar

Letters on Occult Meditation

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

A Treatise on White Magic

Discipleship in the New Age – Vol. I

Discipleship in the New Age – Vol. II

The Problems of Humanity

The Reappearance of the Christ

The Destiny of Nations

Glamour: A World Problem

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

Education in the New Age

The Externalization of the Hierarchy

A Treatise on the Seven Rays

Vol. I – Esoteric Psychology I

Vol. II – Esoteric Psychology II

Vol. III – Esoteric Astrology

Vol. IV – Esoteric Healing

Vol. V – The Rays and the Initiations

The Light of The Soul (The Yoga Sutras of Patanjaliparaphrased by the Tibetan, with commentary by Alice A. Bailey)

Master Serapis Bey inspired and contributed to the writings of Madame H. P. Blavatsky:

Isis Unveiled: A Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern

Science and Theology: Vol. I – Science

Isis Unveiled: A Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern

Science and Theology:  Vol.  II – Theology

The Secret Doctrine Vol. I – Cosmogenesis – The Synthesis of Science,

Religion, and Philosophy

The Secret Doctrine Vol. II – Anthropogenesis – The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy

The Key to Theosophy

Studies in Occultism

The Voice of Silence

Purpose and Uses of the Fourth Ray

The attributes of the Fourth Ray are Purity, Action, Clarity, Discipline, Intuition, Humility and Joy.  The Fourth Ray is the Ray of Beauty, Harmony and Artistic Endeavor, the Ray of Ascension.  The Master Serapis Bey says, “We ascend daily, not all at once.  To ascend is to blend in cosmic unity with the heart of the Eternal.”

The Fourth Ray and its Master bring us in contact with the Feminine Principle of Creation, the energy of the Divine Mother.  The Master says, “The abundance of every good and perfect, miraculous gift of God is derived from the white light of the Mother, whose sacred fire breath is at the heart of every atom and sun center.”

The Fourth Ray is often called the Ray of “Harmony Through Conflict” or the Ray of Struggle.  In order to tap into the higher intuitive mind, one must tame the ego and the emotional body, which most often results in years of struggle and frustration.

The Fourth Ray may be called upon to work miracles and to increase one’s vibrations to move toward ascension.  The science of sound and science of the Word are known in the white fire core of the Fourth Ray.



Day of HonorWednesday

ChakraThird Eye

Angel of the Fifth RayArchangel Raphael

Elohim of the Fifth RayCyclopea

Cyclopea’s ComplementLady Virginia

Retreat of Cyclopea and Lady Virginia:  

Altai Range where China, Siberia and Mongolia meet, near Tabun Bogdo

Chohan of the Fifth RayAscended Master Hilarion 


Lord of the Fifth Ray

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Master Hilarion, together with the Brotherhood of Crete, the Brotherhood of Truth, and Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, sponsor teachers of Truth, servants of God, religious leaders, and missionaries, as well as those practicing the healing arts, scientists and engineers in all fields, mathematicians, musicians, and those specializing in computer and space technology.

Master Hilarion is especially concerned with helping atheists, agnostics, and skeptics who, because of the leaders of the Church and State, have become disillusioned with religion and life in general. His motto is: “And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free, i.e., Whole.”

Suspected previous incarnations of Master Hilarion

Saul of Tarsus

The Apostle Paul

Saint Hilarion (c. 291-371)


The Temple of Truth at The Isle of Crete, Greece

Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Master Hilarion’s Divine ComplementMother Mary 

Mother Mary’s Retreats:  

Fatima, Portugal and Assisi, Italy

Lake Victoria & Banff, Alberta, Canada

Niagara Falls, New York, U.S.A.

Lourdes, France

Royal Teton Retreat, Royal Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Ray ColorsIntense Fiery Green (Emerald-Teal) and Gold

GemstonesEmerald, Diamond, Jade, Quartz Crystal

FragranceLavender and Peppermint

Related Human SenseInner Vision (Intuition)

ConstellationsLeo – Sagittarius – Aquarius



Onward Christian Soldiers” was adapted from slow movement of Haydn’s Symphony No. 53 (music only). When first published as a hymn, words by Rev. S. Baring-Gould, tune by J. B. Dykes.   


Dark Robes Dark Brotherhood

The Nature of Reality

Seasons of the Spirit



The Inert Gases

Threshold: A Letter for Michelle


Other Kingdoms

The Golden Quest

The Master Plan, Past, Present and Future

Hilarion by Daniel Curley

Letters of Paul: A new Spiritual World View by Hilarion

Pallas Athena and The Master Hilarion Speak (1 & 2)

Purpose and Uses of the Fifth Ray:  

Attributes of the Fifth Ray are:  Healing, Surrender, Selflessness, Concentration, Listening, Dedication, Truth, Science, Precipitation, Actualization, Practicality, Healing, Rejuvenation and Vision.  The Fifth Ray is the Ray of Concrete Knowledge and the Mental Plane.  One may invoke the Fifth Ray to help strengthen mental focus and to create balance.  The Fifth Ray focuses on the scientific attributes of the Laws of Creation and will enhance a person’s desire for Truth and Justice.  If a person is overly emotional, bringing in the energies of the Fifth Ray will help to create balance.


Day of HonorThursday


Angel of the Sixth RayArchangel Uriel

Elohim of the Sixth RayPeace

Peace’s Divine ComplementAloha

Retreat of Peace and AlohaHawaiian Islands

Chohan of the Sixth RayMaster Lady Nada 

As Lord of the Sixth Ray of Ministration and Service, the Ascended Master Lady Nada assists ministers, missionaries, healers, teachers, psychologists, counselors at law, professional people, public servants in government, as well as those devoted to serving the needs of God’s children in every branch of Human and health services.  You will also find her at the side of businessmen and women, blue-collar, skilled, and unskilled workers, farmers, ranchers, defenders of Freedom and revolutionaries of Love in every field.  She teaches the principle and practice of sacred labor as the effective means to achieve the goal of ascension.


Master of the Sixth Ray

World Mother

Member of the Council of Ascended Masters

Member of the Karmic Board

Suspected Previous Incarnations

Priestess in the Temple of Love on Atlantis

As a lawyer defending the downtrodden and oppressed on Atlantis

Keeper of the Flame on Lemuria


Healing Retreat -Temple of Love over New Bedford, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Saudi Arabia

Banff and Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada

Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Ray ColorsPurple, Metallic Gold and Ruby

GemstonesTopaz, Ruby, Alexandrite, Diamond with Pearl


Related Human SenseSpeech

ConstellationsVirgo – Sagittarius – Pisces



The music of Hildegard of Bingen

Feather on the Breath of God”

“O Jerusalem” 


The writings of Hildegard of Bingen:

Hildegard of Bingen’s Book of Divine Works With Letters and Songs edited by Matthew Fox

Hildegard of Bingen’s Medicine by Dr. Awighard Strehlow & Gottfried Hertzka, M.D.

Hildegard of Bingen’s Mystical Visions translated from Scivias by Bruce Hozeski

Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen text by Hildegard of Bingen, commentary by Matthew Fox

Meditations with Hildegard of Bingen by Gabriele Uhlein

Purpose and Uses of the Sixth Ray

Virtues of the Sixth Ray are: Devotion, Forgiveness, Healing, Mercy, Tenderness, Grace, Harmony, Peace, and Tranquility.  The Sixth Ray is an emotionally based Ray, and one of the purposes of this Ray is to help dissolve the energies of the lower astral planes.  This Ray is focused within the subconscious mind to endeavor to awaken the subconscious mind to consciousness. When the subconscious becomes conscious it can then be in harmony with the superconscious mind.  We may invoke the energies of this Ray to move Humanity out of religious dogma and a sense of separation, into spiritual awareness and unity consciousness. 

The gifts of the Holy Spirit, which Lady Nada administers, are those of diverse kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues.  These gifts involve the mastery of nuances of vibration in the five secret Rays and their almost infinite combinations with the elements of the seven Rays as the qualities of the Word are released through the chakras.

Lady Nada says, “Therefore, the Sixth Ray may be invoked to understand diverse kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues.  As pertains to Human, Divine, and Angelic tongues, these gifts involve the mastery of speech, communication, and the delivery of the Word.  They range from the mastery of Earth’s languages for the transmission of the Word universally, to proficiency in the tongues of Angels as spoken by the Angelic messengers through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.” 

Lady Nada is an advocate of children and may be called upon to assist in any situation involving children and parenting.

We may invoke the emotional intensity of the Sixth Ray, strengthen it with the mental focus of the fifth Ray, and then blend it with the transformative energy of the Seventh Ray, and be on our way to mastery.




Day of HonorSaturday

ChakraSeat of the Soul

Angel of the Seventh RayArchangel Zadkiel

Elohim of the Seventh RayArcturus

Arcturus’ ComplementLady Victoria

Retreat of Arcturus and Lady VictoriaNear Luanda, Angola, Africa

Chohan of the Seventh RayAscended Master Saint Germain


Lord of the Seventh Ray

Master of the Violet Flame of Transmutation

Chief of the Council of Ascended Masters

Suspected past incarnations of Master Saint Germain:

High Priest of the Violet Flame Temple on Atlantis

The Prophet Samuel (c.1050 B.C.)

St. Joseph in the linage of King David – father of Jesus

Saint Alban, first martyr of the British Isles (Rev. Alban Butler)

Inner inspiration of the Greek philosopher Proclus (c. A.D. 410-485)

Merlin – King Arthur’s advisor

Roger Bacon (c. 1214-1294)

Christopher Columbus (c. 1451-1506)

Son of Queen Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley, Lord Leicester, unrecognized by the Queen as her son, he was raised by Sir Nicholas and Lady Anne Bacon and became Sir Frances Bacon, founder of Freemasonry

Comte de St. Germain at Paris, The Hague, London, and St. Petersburg

Marquis de Monferrat

Comte Bellamarre

Aymar at Venice

Chevalier Schoening at Pisa

Chevalier Weldon at Milan and Leipzig

Comte Soltikoff at Genoa and Leghorn

Graf Teofy at Schwalback and Triesdorf

Prinz Ragotky at Dresden

Comte de Gabalais

Signor Gualdi in The Rosicrucians, their Rite and Mysteries by Hargrave Jennings

Count Hompesch the last Grand Master of the Knights of Malta


Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Transylvania, Romania

Master St. Germain’s Divine Complement

Ascended Master Lady Portia – Goddess of Justice

Ascended Master Lady Portia’s Retreat:  

Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Ray ColorsViolet and Gold



Related Human SenseSmell

ConstellationsAries – Cancer – Capricorn



Song of St. Germain” Hail to the Chief” by James Sanderson

America the Beautiful” words by Katharine Lee Bates, music by Samuel Augustus Ward, taken from the hymn “Materna” a poem written while Bates was standing on Pikes Peak, Colorado.  


The writings of Proclus – Neoplatonic philosopher

The writings of Roger Bacon – Opus Majus

The writings of Christopher Columbus

Las Proficias (The Prophecies)

The Book of Prophecies Concerning the Discovery of the Indies and the Recovery of Jerusalem

The writings of Sir Francis Bacon

De Augmentis

Novum Organum

The Great Instauration

Is said to have written the plays attributed to Shakespeare

The Most Holy Trinosophia (La Tres Sainte Trinosophie)by Comte de St. Germain 

I AM Discourses 

Unveiled Mysteries Series through Godfre Ray King

The Magic Presence Seriesthrough Godfre Ray King

I AM Adorations and Affirmationsthrough Chanera

A Modern PanarionbyMadame H. P. Blavatsky

St. Germain on Alchemy:

Intermediate Studies on Alchemy

St. Germain on Prophesy both channeled through Elizabeth Clare Prophet 

Master Saint Germain inspired and contributed to writings channeled through Alice A. Bailey:

Initiation, Human and Solar

Letters on Occult Meditation

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

A Treatise on White Magic

Discipleship in the New Age – Vol. I

Discipleship in the New Age – Vol. II

The Problems of Humanity

The Reappearance of the Christ

The Destiny of Nations

Glamour: A World Problem

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

Education in the New Age

The Externalization of the Hierarchy

A Treatise on the Seven Rays

Vol. I – Esoteric Psychology I

Vol. II – Esoteric Psychology II

Vol. III – Esoteric Astrology

Vol. IV – Esoteric Healing

Vol. V – The Rays and the Initiations

The Light of The Soul (The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali paraphrased by the Tibetan, with commentary by Alice A. Bailey)

Master Saint Germain inspired and contributed to the writings of Madame H. P. Blavatsky:

Isis Unveiled: A Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology: Vol. I – Science

Isis Unveiled: A Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology:  Vol.  II – Theology

The Secret Doctrine Vol. I – Cosmogenesis – The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy

The Secret Doctrine Vol. II – Anthropogenesis – The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy

The Key to Theosophy

Studies in Occultism

The Voice of Silence

Purpose and Uses of the Seventh Ray:  

Virtues of the Seventh Ray are: Freedom, Purification, Redemption, Service, Invocation, Manifestation, Diplomacy and Refinement.  The Seventh Ray is the Ray of the Aquarian Age.  It brings forth the Violet Transmuting Flame.  It is the Ray of Invocation, manifesting in the highest form of Service.  It is the Ray of conscious Transmutation, and The Violet Flame is also the Flame of Forgiveness.  One may invoke the Angels of the Violet Flame to assist in transforming mis-qualified energy back into neutral Light Substance, and to help move through the transmutation process with ease and grace.  The Violet Flame of Transmutation may be called forth to recondition any situation to a state of perfection or homeostasis.  It may be invoked to transmute one substance into another, such as lead into gold.  It may be invoked to transmute pollution and to promote healing.


I call upon the Master Saint Germain

I call upon the Elohim Arcturus and Lady Victoria

I call upon the Archangel Zadkiel

Of the Violet Ray

To pour Divine Transmutation

Through all that I AM.

I call upon the Amethyst Ray

To transform every cell,

Every atom of my body

Into Higher Light.

I call upon the Violet Flame

To burn within my soul 

And to release all veils

That separate me from Spirit.

I call upon the Violet Flame to burn away my illusions,

To burn away my resistances,

And to transmute my fear into love.

So be it.

“The electromagnetic energies of all the 49 Rays permeate the entire Omniverse as stepped-down frequencies of the Creator’s omnipresent Consciousness of Spiritual Light and associated Radiations.  Then, from the electromagnetic energies, all form of Creation is manifested into visible, tangible things ranging from pure electrons concentrated as the electronic light of our Sun and down into denser, grosser forms as animal, vegetation, and minerals.  All forms of Life and Consciousness are immersed in, and an integral part of, the Creator’s 49 Rays.

 “Each Life form has its own type of DNA molecules within its body, which are established at a definite vibratory frequency, and thus to be attuned with, as antennas and receivers, to the particular level and quality of intelligence it has been created to express. 

“Some of the higher vibrational Rays are now occasionally visible when a double rainbow occurs on Earth.  Now that all of these Rays are grounded into Earth and available for Humans to call upon the Ray, Master and Angel, and in certain instances, the Complement, it is important for this information to be revealed to Humanity.  You have written the details of the 49 Rays that were given to you by the Spiritual Hierarchy and have released the information through publication. You have offered the information to other publishers for the information to be published globally.  Your service to the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Creator in regard to the Rays has been tremendous and is gratefully appreciated.  Now it is up to the Spiritual Hierarchy to intervene to see that the information is published, distributed and taught to Humanity.” 


“The Ascended Beings who function in this Universe as a Branch of the Creator’s vast Spiritual Hierarchy are identified as the Great White Brotherhood.  This Brotherhood was initially founded upon the Creator’s Cosmic Law.  Since Cosmic Law is an integral part of the seven-fold Creative Principle, the Great White Brotherhood is a Spiritual Expression of the Creator’s seven Foundational Attributes.

“The term ‘Great White Brotherhood’ erroneously reflects the fact that its members are both male and female, nor does ‘White’ refer to only Caucasian people, but refers to the White Energy the Great White Brotherhood use and represent.  

“This Spiritual Brotherhood within this Universe of a Sun and twelve planets is composed of hundreds of Ascended Beings, thousands of Angels, and a number of God-enlightened Prophets and Masters who express in physical bodies on some of these planets.  The primary structure of this group, the basis on which it is primarily organized, may be compared to the organizational structure of a large business firm in which there is a Board of Directors and necessary executives such as a president, many vice-presidents and other administrative personnel who manage that firm, its employees, and its function.” 

(Note from bj King: When I was first introduced to the idea that the Universe is ruled and administrated by a group of high vibrational Beings arranged in the format I was used to as the pyramid hierarchy of corporate structure, I was appalled.  My guidance quickly explained that these Beings did not operate with Human egos.  They operate without competition and with complete cooperation.  They serve the Divine Plan of the Creator.)

“The initial or topmost function of this Administrative Branch of the Great White Brotherhood serving this Universe operates using the Creator’s Primary Attributes: Love, Power, and Wisdom.  The Creator’s Attributes are not fully expressive throughout all ‘interstellar space’, except in certain localities in which are galaxies and their component Universes, stars, and planets.”


“Think of evolution in terms of millions of years, rather than the past 2,000 years since I came to Earth as a Human.  This makes more sense than the way history has been reported to you, and certainly makes more sense than the Darwin theory of evolution.  No undoubted transitional fossils have been found more than 130 years after Darwin introduced his theory.  Where did these civilizations go?  Many were lifted off in spaceships and returned to their planets, some went into inner-Earth, and some were so destroyed by atomic weapons as to have left no trace of their existence.  The inner-Earth beings are non-physical and are benevolent.  They resonate with fifth dimensional energy. The ones you encountered and communicated with are the Itzi (remnants of the Anasazi) under the area from Sedona, AZ to Mesa Verde, the Mohare under Ireland, the Telos under Mt. Shasta, and the Gluque under France.  There are, currently, 42 inner-Earth civilizations, and now 52 different extra-terrestrial civilizations represented within the Intergalactic Federation.  All of these Beings are invested in assisting Humanity to wake up to the truth of their divinity and to overcome the erroneous beliefs they have been taught through religious dogma.”



I ask that all energy work that is done in and through my body be in alignment with the Divine Plan of the Creator for planet Earth, all species of life on Earth and beyond.



Through the power vested in me by the Cosmic Christ Consciousness, I deliberately call forth the 1st Blue Ray of God’s Will or Power to calm and transmute this situation. So be it.

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Jesus Speaks to Warn Humanity About Fear, Hatred, and War


“Reverence, love and cooperation with the Spiritual Hierarchy is vital if Humans are to advance spiritually.  Many souls on the Earth today have forgotten they are to be the caretakers of the Earth.  Without a change of heart, they will never gain the power and responsibility in the Aquarian Age to reverse what has happened to Earth.  The souls who are now crossing over, out of their bodies, who have done no work toward spiritual growth, will not be allowed to reincarnate upon the Earth.  Two planets, Ploarus and Octegon, have been created as remedial schools in the second and third dimensions for these souls to begin again, to have an opportunity to remember their own divinity and to trust and believe in God, the Creator of All Things.

“Loving thoughts and sincere respect for all life are necessary at this time to balance the evil active on the Earth.  You can help to balance evil through the power of positive belief, positive thoughts, silent reverie, or meditation, during which the Forces of Light will be with you in thought and guidance.  Spiritual contemplation is vital now. 

“I came long ago, physically, and I am now available again, telepathically, to help to bring Human thoughts toward peace and non-violence.  Your bodies, your souls, your planet, and space itself, are all in jeopardy because of some Earthlings’ perverted intentions with weaponry and actions of war, hatred, and violence.

“I come to point out these current deplorable attitudes and to help overcome the evil thoughts and actions used against others.  You are hereby advised and warned that if Humanity continues its sickening development of space age weaponry, you will have returned to you exactly what you give out.  So if your fear, hatred and violence are expressed to others in the Universe, they will return to you in a measure of intense suffering and pain.  Why?  Because what is given must return.  Invent with love, invent with intention to help Humanity and never to harm.  I remind you there are moral laws required of every soul, and you are required to obey these laws and not to misuse their applications against anyone, anywhere.  The scientific community is now advised it cannot just bring evil into existence and disavow any responsibility for its use by what you call government and/or military.

“Your explorers and scientists excuse themselves by saying all they desire is to unlock the secrets of the Universe.  They have no understanding of the truth of the Universe and the other occupants.  How would a government and its military personnel take bombs or killer satellites or particle beams and employ them against other life forms if Humans refused to create them or utilize them?  Governments and military are run by Humans.  Humans are the ones making these choices.  They are making these choices without ever thinking of God or the Earth or other civilizations.  

“I warn those of you who are creating these weapons for killing that you must accept full responsibility for your actions.  This is true whether a person is hired with research funds by government aid or by funds of so-called non-military organizations.  It is true whether you are in or out of uniform.  The responsibility cannot be shifted with a shrug of the shoulders and the thought that someone else bears that responsibility.  Be advised, if you continue in this madness, you will bear responsibility for its result.

“You Humans of Earth are not all of God’s handiwork.  You are a blink in the vast network of life that stretches far beyond the light of your own Milky Way galaxy.  I remind you that you are suburban dwellers of an enormous, magnificent light and life creation.  Treat all of it with the dignity, love and respect due it and you will be permitted to advance into the higher dimensions where life truly resides.  You are not alone in this vast consciousness called space.  Each act you perform, each thought you express, is carried along the network of light you are unable to see.  What you send out returns, but also affects others along the way. 

“Space is not empty, nor is it to be abused.  It is not a dumping ground or an area you can claim as yours.  All belongs to God, and you are merely custodians of it, even as you were given dominion, or custodianship of the planet Earth long eons ago.  What have you done with that responsibility?  Are you so proud of its condition and the kind of life you’ve created here that you wish to share it with other life forms?

“You volunteered as caretakers of Earth and have been evaluated as unsuited to further tasks until that one is satisfied, and then you may be worthy to carry its value forward to other consciousnesses.  Clean up your minds and hearts and the ground on which you walk.  Then you will be a fit companion to other life forms who already exist and have been watching your violent nature with the suspicion it deserves for many years.  Mentally superior beings have always monitored your life behaviors, in constant surveillance of what Earth Humans are doing, especially in the ever-growing insanity of your space race and invention of advanced weaponry.  Since the atomic bomb, they have been particularly positioned around the Earth to assure protection to space and the life forms in it, but they have watched for thousands of years.

“Unless you heed God’s warning and come to a state of love on Earth, with the help of those here in the heavenly realms, you are considered detrimental to life and will be treated accordingly if there are further transgressions made.  We, your teachers of Light and Love, have come again to warn you.  We suggest some specific actions that are now required if you intend to save your bodies, your souls, your beautiful planet and the space beyond your tiny speck of life.

“You may not violate the space lying beyond the 250-mile strip of your own boundaries with weaponry.  You may not take weapons into space without the Creator’s permission.  The reason is simple.  If your intentions are not loving, you are morally diseased and unfit to do so.  In a sense, you are as contagious as your violent thoughts and actions demonstrate to the greater family beyond your borders. You are, as of now, quarantined until further notice.  Open your minds and hearts to the love of God.  Change your behavior, live in peace. 

“There are presently madmen in many countries working on weapons.  Underground hydrogen explosions in both Russia and the United States are likely, and there is a myriad of other experiments with killer satellites, particle beams and other offensive weapons currently in use already.  These will not be tolerated any longer.  Hydrogen is an elemental building block of the Universe and must not be harmfully employed in any way at any time.  Hydrogen explosions could affect the entire Universe. 

“You must cease offensive space launchings until you become morally acceptable life-mates to the other beings who watch you now.  We of the spiritual realms will be powerless to aid you if you continue in this madness.  You will have taken the matter out of our hands, and space will be defended against your insanity.  Any grace I brought 2,000 years ago cannot save you from the cause-and-effect principle after this warning because of the present and potential damage you are causing.

“Cease planning, constructing, or employing any space weaponry immediately.  You cannot hide behind statements like ‘the government is doing it’, or ‘it’s the military.’  All of Humanity is responsible in one way or another.  You cannot hide behind the evil of war on your planet and say you have no relationship to it.  You must turn your attention to peace and find a way to make peace profitable.  When peace, not war, is profitable and desirable there will be a great practice of love and sharing which your God has taught you.  Those who promote war, and those who make no effort on the behalf of peace on this planet, are not accepting the guardianship role which has been given to Humanity.  You are the caretakers of the Earth and all life upon it.  This is your destiny and your purpose. 

“Know that you are at a critical moment in Earth’s history and evolution.  You must stop believing that there is evil in every Human heart and that one nation is out to destroy all others.  Without a belief in peace you will behave with suspicion, hatred and vengeance.  Stop now and remember love and forgiveness are your only helpmates in achieving planetary peace. Who among your so-called Christian countries will put my teachings into practice as the way forward?

“The so-called primitives whom you self-righteously seek to civilize were closer to God’s mission than you with your massive technology turned against Humanity’s good.  Have they assaulted space and the invisible life beyond your own boundaries?  What does being civilized mean?  How do you describe Earth today?  Is it a civilized planet to be emulated?

“Because you are frightened men and women, you only have frightened nations, separate from one another.  What lies within each one of you, individually, is projected into the larger global connection you think of as Earth.  You have forgotten what peace is.  Because you have forgotten what peace is, many spiritual teachers have come to Earth with repetitive regularity to remind you to challenge your soul’s recollection, to reinstate you in the Father/Mother flock.  Yet through willful disobedience and stubborn resistance to love, this beautiful planet Earth is now in jeopardy from the very ones she has fed and persistently nurtured. 

“Long ago, when you lived in a Spirit form, there was only one government in Heaven.  That government was God, which is Love.  When you fell away from constancy of that one Love Mind and separated into the physical body form now used on Earth, your challenge, your responsibility, was to rejoin that former belief and evolve back to that which you had experienced before.  In this emergence you would have chosen God above all things. If you did this, you would be a useful member of a vast and marvelous Universe strewn with planetary bodies, star systems and a myriad of life forms.  We smile at your concept of Heaven as a quiet harp-playing existence.  There is peace here, and there is music, but it is not at all dull or boring, I promise you.  Great activity and adventure exist for those who are able to share their heart love and apply God’s wisdom and direction. 

“A choice for or against God must be made, a choice for peace or war.  If all or most of you choose God and peace, the planet will not have to be cleansed and will rise as a beacon of Light in the Universe as an example for other life forms.  If only a majority learn this required lesson, then only the majority will be allowed soul progress as examples for others to observe and emulate.

“I came years ago to share this message and prepare you to cleanse your soul of false beliefs.  I come again to remind you that time is running short.  The concept of peace awaits personal and planetary application.  Only your belief that you can be harmed allows such things as weapons in the first place.  It is your soul’s growth which is vital.  Your American money says, ‘In God we trust’ and your pledge of allegiance states America is ‘one nation under God,’ but what you profess is not how you live.  Your only choice is whether you can let go of fear long enough to change your own behavior and all of your countries’ governments’ view of life, and then seek love and peace as an ultimate reality. 

“What will happen depends very much on the plans and activities of your governments.  So, keep love in your heart, and radiate great Light, and insist your government take actions for the people’s goal of peace.  If half of every nation’s population were absolutely focused on peace, life on this planet would change.  Peace is a powerful belief, and for Humanity on Earth, it is now a necessity. 

“To all government officials, elected or autocratically empowered, and to all military leaders on this planet, from generals down to the lowest private in any military force, I speak bluntly.  War is the opposite of peace.   It is not based on love, but rather on the deliberate destruction of other Human lives.  Those battles of one nation against another are inherently wrong because all of Humanity is created by God.  If you deliberately plan a war and attack others, you are creating for your soul a terrible effect which you will have to repay at a later time.  I therefore caution you not to kill or destroy any life form. 

“Earth and Humanity are being observed.  If any nation on Earth makes further serious moves of violence or threat into the ether beyond Earth’s boundaries, you will likely be contained in some fashion.  Do not enter space on anything but an unarmed, peaceful mission, certainly not with created weaponry, which will violate God’s inter-federation boundaries and agreements.    

“Meanwhile, for the Light Workers of Humanity known to me and other World Teachers in the spiritual realm, be comforted to know that through your daily meditation you will be personally informed of what is occurring so you will always be exactly where you should be for your soul’s purpose.  You need to commune with the soul part of you which knows what you should do for the greater good.  Through your meditation practice you can send love from your heart to this beautiful Earth and to all those negative forces which seek power, war and violence.  Remember, a great Mental Force created Heaven and Earth and all the Universes.  Use your own mental love energies to assist us now in reclaiming your planet Earth for God.  Anger may give initial impetus to a cause, but it causes division and separateness if maintained.  Wake up from your spiritual amnesia.” 

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Jesus Speaks of Our Future


“There are no endings in Spirit.  I am still growing and learning even as you are, for all life expands in the endless creation of God’s nature.  Growth is the only evidence life exists, and  you constantly choose spiritual life or death by your willingness to transform your limited consciousness into the grace of a broader reality.  To assist with the greater transformation in Humanity’s reality, I hope the offerings of truth I have brought will support your desire to become more peaceful, loving and joyful as you go toward your heritage with certainty and true companionship.

“I hope by identifying those errors of past thinking and showing you the promise of a new day, we now hold a common understanding from my heart to yours.  Let me highlight once more what I wish you to know and share with others.

  1. “Live every day, use every thought as if it were your last.  Leave no kind action or peaceful thought unexpressed.
  2. “Meditate daily and listen unceasingly so that, through the holy power granted to your soul by our Creator, you will know the actions you should take each day.  In your jargon, stay tuned in.  That way you will never be afraid or wonder what is going to happen.  You will be told, as the elect of higher consciousness, what you are to accomplish and with whom you will be working.  A weekly meditation with others is also necessary, for these groups of light workers sitting together will make the task of your continuous communication easier and more supportive.  Moreover, your own body will begin to glow from this increased energy amplification.  It aids your own enlightenment or return to God identity.
  3. “Join with others to influence your national and international governments to embody the ideal of peace in all that they do and intend.  Spiritual people often ignore the everyday responsibilities of citizenship.  But this must change.  It will take every loving person on the planet to swell the voice that speaks to government.  Do all you legally can to demand peace at every level of life. 

          “I affirm if you do these things and do them willingly, with dedication and determination, you will likely be among the Golden Age dwellers on the planet Earth during the thousand years following the Earth’s cleansing.  This will be a time of great opportunity and joy, and I pray all will hear the call of their inner voice as it tugs their hearts reminding them to answer their Creator’s call, if they have not already done so. Do this in remembrance of God and of all the religious of this Earth, and we will one day stand together in the great festivity of joy that is yet coming for those of pure mind and heart as demonstrated through everyday action and behavior.

“Christians, please give up your complacency and self-righteousness that Jesus is your savior and you need to do nothing more.  Right actions balance out past negativity and regrettable deeds, and teach you usefulness and service much needed in the galaxy.  

“I tell you I can save no one who will not change.  Moreover, I can save no one who clings to past memories of me as if they were today’s truth.  Only your own thoughts and actions can save you. Jesus, as I was in biblical times, has changed, grown.  I know more than I did then, but the message is the same now as it was then.  LOVE GOD! You must acknowledge a Force greater than all your bombs put together, that has an energy system to rotate your planet daily in a cradle of rhythm and harmony.  Honor the Force which brings you into contact with both sun and moon and the starlit heavens of your own 12th Universe. 

“It is time to say it again so there is no misunderstanding.  The majority of people on Earth are spiritually lazy and have allowed a few minds to conceive of evil beyond description.  Further, you have allowed a small number of maniacs to guide your destiny and to bring you to the possibility of nuclear destruction from which your physical body will not survive.  You are committing cultural suicide by your own indifference to the few who take power and rush blindly into technological doom. 

“Can you perceive this from your TV news programs, the radio, and your newspapers? Have you no sense of what you are allowing to happen?  

“Now let me be a true brother to you and a World Teacher who would have no one lost.  Peace is a choice.  War is a choice.  Your Human consciousness is choosing the path of physical demolition. Unless you begin at once to cooperate, I cannot save your body, nor will God, for you have free will to create your own world and live out what you have created.  God has little to do with the conditions on your planet.  You have brought them to you by your thoughts, actions and desires. 

“You live in a world of matter where the events happen through your own past and present volition.  Therefore, by your Free Will, look to see what you would have.  And if you do not like the present train of events that bring me from the Creator to clarify your position, then it is you who must change them. 

“I will do all I can to assist, for there is a small core of spiritual light bearers already on Earth trying desperately to turn the tide of darkness and to reach those uncommitted souls who tranquilize their way into emotional denial.  Using a vast array of escape activities such as alcohol, drugs, food, TV and other pursuits to ignore the present danger and responsibility to do something about it, the mass of Humanity still lies asleep.  It must be awakened.

“I brought you grace 2,000 years ago.  I guaranteed that if you were willing to return to Spirit of the Christ which is eternal truth, and if you would set a personal example, not of self-righteousness, but of unconditional love and caring, then I could assist and help. I will, if you agree to do your part. 

“Because of the plans our Creator intends for this planet, we have only a short time to create a more peaceful and harmonious Earth.  For the black blanket of egocentricity and irresponsibility chokes the Earth upon which you walk.  Wake up and come into the light where you belong and where your Creator would have you be.  State your preference and live its tenets.  The balance of energies is so critical at this time that the immense rescue team we are using to send out huge amounts of light will fail if you do not respond. 

“It is to you, my light bearers, that we pass the wand of power and encouragement.  You are the leaders of the New Age and a new civilization.  Proclaim the truth of love, be the love as a model for those who cannot understand.  This is your true calling, to be the light, to be the love, to stand, as once I did, in spreading the word of love to the minds of all children, men and women.

“Since no stone will be left unturned by those of us in the heavenly realms to awaken all of Humanity in this critical moment, we need every soul to remember its true nature and take command of this planet in the name of peace.  We need earthly angels to practice the truth of mind and heart.  We need a savior, and the savior is you collectively.  Together you are the savior, and this is your most opportune hour.  Behave like the savior now, for the stage is set and the cast is called.  Your planetary play is in the third act where the forces of good and evil have been long battling, and for the moment it looks as if the good force is not doing well.  Yet, help can come to reverse the situation if you will but create it by meditation and follow it with heartfelt action. 

“Mother Earth, your heroine, awaits Humanity’s support as her hero in this drama, and her hero is all of you collectively.  The problem has been Humankind, and the answer is Humankind. You are both villain and hero.  End this duality and speak your last lines.  It is the hero’s role to take the final bow and to receive approbation in a garland of spiritual appreciation, acclaim and applause.

“We, your audience of heavenly hosts, will walk forward with you as your last act in the drama is called, sending mighty streams of energy to back your motives.  Before the curtain comes down, let us march into the light with heads held high, hearts infused with love, and peace our only goal.  Earth will herself be rescued and kept alive no matter what happens, but those beings of hatred and war will not remain here spiritually to see the planet’s future adventure.

“I, the one called Jesus in the olden times, am with you ever, anew in your present situation and in your present plight.  This is a spiritual showdown, a time of separating those who love God and those who do not. 

“Joining with others in small groups increases the light of your aura, or energy field, but in addition, you will have a sense of community, a community which may not be composed of your blood relatives or usual circle of friends.  You may even find your new spiritual family becomes very dear to you in a short time, because these beings match your soul vibration, and the bonding which you can feel with them may exceed that of the usual love relationship you are used to having with family and friends. 

“Like attracts like, this is the Law of the Universe.  As you raise your energies through daily meditations and by sharing this greater awareness with others, you will reach higher and higher realms of soul communication and possibly mental telepathy with those like myself who await your increased ability to form the communication link, the system of contact with goodness wherever it resides. 

“The Golden Age of which I have spoken is the time when the usual solidity of things on Earth must change.  What has been invisible for thousands of years in Spirit, or as heaven, will become increasingly real to you.  Your usual physical senses will be expanded and will flow into awareness of things unseen, things you previously could not imagine or reach. 

“The ability to flow even deeper into spiritual awareness may seem strange to you at first, but I assure you, beloveds, that it is necessary and will quickly become your usual way of behaving in this world.  Remember I said you should be in this world, but not of it?  This was my meaning.  You are here in a physical body, but you need not be weighted down by its mere physical senses.  You will be gaining higher senses of knowing, hearing and seeing what Humankind has lost during the past eons of descent into lower and lower vibrations in the material world.  To know directly from the cosmic realms is the greatest experience of all, and many will achieve this sensitive, intuitive state. 

“Without daily contact, the new communication pathways cannot be built and the personality will be left in darkness when others will be leaping forward in their ability to intuit and know the will of God by soul guidance.  Your meditation times will build this communication link of light and higher energy vibration, which can never fail you once the link is forged.  

“Contact your own internal spiritual teacher and your soul, who can then act like a gigantic switchboard to keep you in touch with the unseen beings like myself.  Remember you must build this communication system from Earth to us.  We can provide the plan, but you must choose and carry it into fruition.  This is the only way you can be ‘saved’ or born into the Kingdom of God.  Become what God envisions for you.

“When enough of you light workers have joined together to unify the positive love force on the planet, much will be possible in the realm of mind where all creation begins.  Here, where the energy blueprint of manifestation is formed, one and one equal a sum greater than two.  And when two or more are gathered in conviction and agreement, that creative power increases by an exponential magnitude your mathematics cannot really express.  By thought alone, by pure intention and feeling does creation cast a pattern onto the etheric life web which holds space together.  Here, in that tiny web of refined subatomic structures, which your instruments yet fail to totally expose, does infinity coax finite reality into form.

“Only through love can one grasp a hint of how life began and how it continually expands beyond itself, ever growing and flowing in pure joy.  Today’s churches must change.  They have deified me instead of encouraging each child of God to go into his/her own inner soul sanctuary and bring forth God’s empowering energy which could be then joined in concert with others of like intention.  Today I advise you that any church official who does not drop meaningless ritual and lead its members to quiet times with their souls must face the effect of this behavior.

“By meditating, you can live God’s commandments more easily, especially, love God, love God with all your heart, mind and soul, and your brothers and sisters as yourself.  I call forth the holy God power within you to hear my messages and bring you into the Golden Age as a bright and shining example of the new life all can have through willingness to accept the love we offer.

“Remarks such as ‘I don’t have time’ or ‘I’m too busy’ are merely the workings of your egotistical personality, which keeps you in a place of separation from the Creator, from heaven.  I assure you, if you meet us halfway your destiny as light workers in the Golden Age ahead is affirmed.  But I cannot save you from your lower self, that limited part which prevents your greater good. If you are willing to learn and to serve, then you will be welcomed to join us in heaven.

“This is Earth’s time of transformation.  This is the time when the Creator has required there must be peace.  Without peace the Earth will be in pain and chaos.  I do not seek to frighten you or make you fearful for your body.  Those of you who believe in God and the lesson of resurrection which I brought to Humanity 2,000 years ago will understand the loss of your body is not the vital issue anyway.  The condition of your soul is. The present situation is critical.  

“In times past, when Humankind perpetrated destructive acts, the planet had to be cleansed in order for a fresh start to occur.  It is this experience you are about to face.  There has been so much hatred, so much war and recent invasions of space that another cleansing time will occur on the Earth unless Humanity does a rapid reverse to peace and only peace.

“This time, known as the Tribulation, is upon you and upon the planet now, and this is a last, urgent call to all of you to wake up, accept your soul responsibilities, demonstrate peaceful thoughts and reactions. Be sure you stay in contact with your soul.  You are the savior of Humankind, and it is only through your efforts at this hour that Earth can be saved.

“If Earth changes are required, only those who are of the higher consciousness will be brought back for the thousand years of peace.  As the ignorant Humans, those who ignore the truth and leave the planet, their souls will be relocated to planets of a lower vibration than Earth, to Ploarus or Octegon.  We wish to dispel these aggressive thoughts that have accumulated in the band of invisible light around your spinning spaceship Earth. Anyone who chooses to awaken can still do so with the least possible pain and suffering.

“Know that I am joined in this project by the teachers of all times and places: Buddha, Moses, Krishna and Mohammed, and thousands of others from our Universe who stand together to provide the support the planet needs. Our present efforts on Humanity’s behalf cannot be continued with this intense priority indefinitely.  There are other activities in the Universe which demand our energies and attention.  We will never leave you comfortless, but this is the time to take advantage of God’s unprecedented special aid to Earth.

“Because of your Free Will, you have the ability to do what you will, but that freedom has been your nemesis.  Therefore, I urge you to quell your doubting minds and selfish personalities and place your attention only on what is reverent and peaceful at every level of life. Whether you call yourself agnostic or are a member of some religious body is not the issue.  The issue is your demonstration that you love God, love peace.

“Many are called, but a few will answer. This is the result of Humanity’s stubborn, unrelenting insistence on doing things his/her own way.  I ask you, has this brought you the world of peace and love and joy which you desire? God is breathing or extending out and then will breathe us all home again to enjoy our spiritual future.  There is a plan of great promise and joy for all who choose it.   Trust and believe. 

“Even if the majority will lazily ignore the summons, and an active portion seize war as their mode of life, the New Age will be in full force by the turn of the century.  Your three choices today are whether you wish to learn and serve now, or later under pain and suffering caused by spiritual procrastination, or not at all.  I recommend you step forward to your destiny in the light now where you will go forward with mighty companions in Spirit, for we in the greater realms truly love you and desire only your good.  

“God is with you, children of creation, and souls of an expanding tomorrow.  We have gone to prepare a place for you, but it is your own will, your choice, which determines your rank henceforth. All is prepared for the magnificent band of light workers to join together under direct revelation.  However, only your commitment will bring the power into and through you for your own advancement and for service to Humanity.  

“I, the Christ, World Teacher, do hereby call forward any sincere person on planet Earth to become a lover of God, a lover of planet Earth, a lover of yourself and all living things throughout the Omniverse.  This planet needs you to volunteer to offer love and peace to all. By the power and authority of my role as your World Teacher, I do grant you the full support of heaven in your responsibilities as envoys of World and Universal peace.  Know that you are henceforth never alone, and that an additional personal guide or teacher will be provided you when your meditative communication system is linked to heaven.  

“My greatest role is that of being the Gold Ray to all the universes.  Nevertheless, I attend your planet now in this critical hour, and am joined here by a mighty cosmic companion called the Silver Ray.  The Silver Ray is the second creation of God, Who has created all other Rays except myself, and brings Earth both the color spectrum of the rainbow and the glowing nighttime reminder of God, your moonlight. 

“The Silver Ray, the Great Ray of Hope and Healing, has volunteered to ease the subconscious pain and the soul memories of your 8-million-year-long negative experiences so that there will be peace on Earth at last.  You will hear this great, yet gentle healing energy call you forth to revere God and all of life.”

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Jesus Speaks to Parents and Teachers


“Beginning in the last couple of decades, children who are old souls came with an eagerness to express God’s love, to grow in light and understanding, and to populate the planet, preparing it for the thousand years of peace. 

“Every Human is a teacher merely by their presence on the planet.  Be careful what you model and exemplify because actions speak louder than words; they speak a universal language.  Your soul answer regarding parenting and teaching will have different replies than those made by your lower personality, which may be interested in parenting to please families, or because it is what people always do, or because teaching is simply a way to earn money.  The soul’s answer lies beyond these reasons, for its need is to experience God’s love and return it to all living creatures.  There is also a deep desire to learn and grow. 

“As a parent, above all, be ready for the unusual.  At this time in spiritual evolution, be flexible and know you will magnetize a soul which needs to be approved and supported for its ability to see beyond earthly definitions.

“Take these suggestions to heart, and as you apply them there will be great personal joy and delight as you practice God’s love and exuberance.  Although there is responsibility in this, let it not become the somber dutifulness that has choked off the message I brought before.  Do these things cheerfully.  Important tasks done well can give both responsibility and joy.  Remember this, lighten up in your outlook.  The new children will teach you this joy from their personal experience with invisible realms which I once came to share.  Heaven is a joyful state of learning and sharing and loving. To think less than this is to misunderstand it totally.  

“The purpose and promise of this Golden Age is to fill the Earth with beings of a nurturing, loving nature whose devotion to God sends out a blaze of light vibrations dancing like rainbows and sunlight embracing the entire globe.

“Understand, some of these small Golden Age beings, with great soul knowledge and awareness, started arriving a couple of decades or so ago.  Others are coming now and more will be arriving soon.  Many of them may outshine your own abilities to see and hear the spiritual beings like myself.  They may have mental capabilities you lack.  Mind over matter will become the new reality.  Therefore, your first step is to accept that, although you are the bigger in body, you may not be spiritually wiser.  For the personalities of some parents, this will be a great blow to Human pride.  But the parents’ souls will rejoice, for the experience of psycho-spiritual abilities will be a major part of the New Age life. 

“As a parent, teacher, or grandparent, do not let your pride get in the way if you see the little ones talking to invisible Angels or hearing inner heavenly voices.  Many grandparents will be raising their grandchildren during this Age. I assure you, as a child, you had more of that ability than you have now.  The reason you lost it was because the adults around you had forgotten these abilities themselves as a result of parental, societal and educational displeasure or ridicule of some kind.  Many children in your own generation heard and saw the Angelic realms but were forced to abandon this ability because they could not face a loss of respect and love from family, friends or teachers who denied this reality. 

“You must acknowledge the children’s abilities to both the children and others, and do not ridicule or deny their connections with the heavenly realms which are very real to them, and which will become more real to you both if you allow and encourage this communication.  In fact, if you are willing to grow from your interactions with the children, you will learn as much or more than you teach.  

“My greatest suggestion for all Humanity, especially you as parents and teachers, is to say something like, ‘until now’ or ‘we have believed until now…’  For instance, if teaching science to a child, say, ‘Up until now we have believed the speed of light of 186,000 miles per second is the fastest travel possible.  Look within and see if this sounds right to you.’  In other words, give present knowledge the tentative nature it deserves, for, in fact, this is not a correct way of looking at the speed of light. The wise ones beyond the veil will be working with the incarnated ones to correct much erroneous material that passes on Earth as accurate, not just about nature and the Universe, but also about the Bible.

“Not only are the Angels and Ascended Masters willing to teach the little ones, they are willing, by the process of mental telepathy, to teach you more of the truth of the Universe and your place in it as well.  However, to pierce the veil, you must believe it is possible, you must become very quiet and still in order to hear the truth, and you must be grateful for the Divine Plan that God has given Humankind.  Meditation will help.

“Once, eons ago, you lived only in God’s mind, and all things were known to you.  After decent into materiality, you were no longer connected in the same way.  You became, in a very real sense, lost in space without your communication device.  Fortunately, we who love you seek to restore your connectedness back to God so that the division between Heaven and Earth is joined, and then you can once again be part of God’s love and knowledge. 

“Humanity’s fall or detour out of communication and direct awareness of all that is known to the Creator is being revived for you if you wish to have it restored.  This is the truth, but you must be willing, of your own free will, to accept and joyously participate in its restoration.  Like a broken television or radio set, let yourself be repaired to receive the heavenly channels that await you once more.  Or at least attune yourself exactly in a clear state of reception. 

“I, The Christ, am not the only channel of God’s truth.  There are many others.  But for those who believe and have faith in me, I assure you that I am no farther away, once you restore your communication system, than a mental phone call.  One day soon many more will actually see me than do now, especially the children.

“You were told in the Bible you needed to become like a little child.  I meant by this that you must have no limitations in your thinking.  No barriers that say, ‘Oh, that’s not possible.’  And like a child, you must be accepting of a loving Father/Mother’s role in your life, not a parent who would be unworthy of trust or would abuse you, but one whose affection and concern are eternal and assured.  TRUST IS THE BASIS OF LOVE.

“It is not I who has created the Plan.  However, it is I and others in Heaven who have totally accepted and participated in it.  Your task is the same.  For the sake of the Golden Age children, you should encourage them to experience contact with what you may not yet see and hear yourself.  This will mean surrendering the past ideas you were taught, and to be ever present in the moment.  Spiritual evolution is accelerating to bring you home again to Heaven.  Build your own communication lines through meditation and encourage every person you know to do the same.  

“Children are open, curious, and willing to love, to learn. Be like a child so you can be taught. You will feel the peace and harmony and love for which your soul yearns.

“Teachers are faced with an almost superhuman challenge in the present educational system since, in most cases, their textbooks are partially distorted, incomplete, or untrue, and in many systems no textbooks are now given.  Children are expected to use computers and the Internet to research information, and most of the information given there is only people’s opinions and not the truth, especially about history. School organizations and boards have established curricula that society requires as manuals of truth.  These are study guides of agreements about what is true on Earth.  However, these generally limit the heart and mind.  As teachers, do not give present information as truth or you fail in your soul’s task as an opener of Human consciousness.

“Tell the children and adults that, until now, these are the ideas Humankind has believed, but always ask them to go deeply within to see if they feel these ideas are true.  Be willing to allow freedom of expression and new ideas.  Always suggest, ‘this is what we’ve always thought, but what if there is more to know?  What would it be?’

“The primary attitude is not to be dogmatic out of your own need for security.  Be willing to know more yourself.  If science is your field, be open to new discoveries and applications.  Be willing to receive previously unseen connections of truth.  In your meditations, ask to be made a gifted teacher of these new beings, and ask to continually deepen the truth of whatever subjects you teach.  You will be absolutely assisted if your motive is love, and peace your goal.

“By mental telepathy, a few of you may even talk with the great teachers of the past to see how they would update their Earth teachings given that opportunity. Be open to the expanded Universe that will whisper its secrets to those minds willing to receive.  Be a model of turning within, and your children will feel safe turning within. 

“Many social and educational beliefs must fall.  Welcome change.  Accept a greater understanding.  Children need encouragement, support, and your love.  Many will be masters of truth, heralds of this coming Golden Age, who need unique nurturing.  Until now your schools have filled students with your facts, many of which are false.  We put no blame on educators, but challenge their self-evaluation.  We suggest teaching that Humans must tune within to know the truth of all things. 

“Many of these incoming children arriving now are of a higher vibration in energy than most parents who give them physical birth.  They may be more spiritually capable than most of their teachers on Earth.  Your first step as a teacher or parent needs to be to acknowledge that their capabilities make you no less.  In fact, it offers you the greatest opportunity of your life.  Do not be defensive.  Be curious.  Encourage openness.

“All children are closer to God when they arrive than are adults who live in cultural conditioning, which forces much of their true nature underground. Each generation will arrive in higher vibration than the one preceding.  Help the children to be all they are and can become.  

“God is not static.  You are not static.  Change is ever present and necessary. Our Father/Mother God is, indeed, magnanimous and generous to all, but you must be willing to receive the truth.  Open your mind and heart to receive your own abundance of truth.  

“In your teaching you are blessed, for you join the work that I, The Christ, and many other spiritual teachers came to do.  Let us be partners in God’s Plan for bringing the Human family back to the heavenly dimension that is its destiny.  There are many ways these lessons of looking within can be taught without the use of the word ‘God.’ Words such as Light and Source and Oneness can mean many things, as can words such as intuition, the inner knower, or the truth bringer.  The Creator does not care what name is used. 

“A few of you will truly change the organizational structure, content, and usefulness of education.  But whatever your part, large or small, play it with love and dedication, and you cannot fail.  By listening within, you will always be guided to the highest good and finest choices.  Teach the children that quiet times are essential and will provide them with strength, certainty, and inner knowing.

“Parents and grandparents have the greatest opportunity to teach and model the New Age awareness to children because of proximity.  Teaching your children who they truly are, and giving them the encouragement to take leadership where their soul would have them go, is a valid task in this time.

“Mothers, you are not just producing babies.  You are bringing forth the life form a soul needs for purposes of growth, love and service.  Talk to the soul of the babe while it is yet in the womb and discuss with it what purpose it wishes to express upon the planet.  Remember always, the child is not your property or possession.  It belongs to God and to all that exists beyond your tiny experience.  Do not limit the being as you share a code of spiritual responsibility and joyous love.

“Before the pregnancy you must cleanse yourselves of as much doubt and limitation as possible, and as a couple, pray together that you will rise fully to this great occasion of child rearing.  Listen to what your soul and higher guidance advises you to do in this process of providing a physical body for another soul to use on its earthly journey. 

“Birth brings a soul its greatest trauma, for it is cut off from its usual place in the light, joy, and peace.  It often becomes sad or depressed at the surroundings it finds on Earth.  Provide a tone of caring long before it enters life, and continue that attitude throughout the years you have offered to be responsible for this soul’s visitation.  Give structure of loving responsibility for the child’s welfare.  This does not mean letting the child’s personality do as it wishes, for the Human personality has to cooperate with its soul through willingness and understanding.  It must learn to respect the rights of others.  Many of the higher-level beings choosing to enter Humanity at this time do not wish to come in through the trauma of the birth canal.  They are choosing to come through cesarean sections, and some are by-passing the birth process and walking into adult bodies, rather than living through puberty and adolescence. 

“This is true of every adult personality on Earth, not just the children.  When an adult is asked to surrender to God, it does not mean to become a vegetable without purpose or goals.  It means the little Human personality becomes viable and useful to the soul without the fears and anxieties, guilts and uncertainties that plague an individual’s habits, habits created by those early conditionings and personality tendencies.  

“Humanity’s goal is to produce as few of these negative conditionings and limited beliefs in each child as possible.  These are the barriers and mis-qualified thoughts that will have to be acted out and released later in order for the soul to focus its full expression and delight into the body, which is its physical form here on Earth.  To create an open space for the soul to practice truth and love is the main purpose of the physical body experience. 

“Telling a child the basic belief that God is a loving and unlimited Source is obviously far more important than saying we are sinners, and that God will punish us for our sins.  God does not punish us.  The Law of Karma repays us for our thoughts and actions.  The fewer false beliefs you fill a child with, the less cleansing she/he will have to undergo later.  I continue to be saddened and appalled at the ideas your churches program into the minds of children and adults to frighten them and dishearten them.  These ideas describe a God whose nature is fearsome and capricious, at best.  Who could love such a God?

“Our Creator is not like this fearsome, heavy-handed, punishing figure taught by many religions today.  Teach your children the truth, and do not let such nonsense fill their subconscious minds with this evil.  These teachings have sabotaged the love-and-forgiveness message I brought 2,000 years ago.  I am grieved that my meaning could have been so abused and twisted by the ignoble goals of church officials, and grieved that the masses should believe God held them in such low esteem.

“Our Creator knows nothing but Love.  The unloving conditions on the Earth come from Humankind.  My role was to clarify this truth and help you understand that your own thoughts and actions are the bringers of your experience, even when it seems you are not responsible.  You are not victims.  You are doing it to yourselves.  This lesson is what you must teach the children.  As co-creators, you are responsible for most of life’s experiences.  Learn this lesson well.  Then you can teach it with feeling.  Your thoughts have created the experiences you’ve had, and our effort is dedicated to cleanse your mental and emotional nature so your thoughts are only of love and peace, which will return to you.

“Remember, my resurrection demonstrated the power of my mind over life and death.  Use the power of your own mind for your own resurrection.  Please teach the children that they are lovable and that the way they think will create their view of life and reality.  Tell them God is not some arbitrary old man sitting on a cloud dumping these evil events onto Humankind.  Humankind’s thoughts have created the conditions as they are on Earth now.

“If people are suffering and experiencing difficult times because of persistent negativity of thought, it is not God’s doing.  This difficulty is self-created, Humanity’s creation.  When children grow up knowing the truth there will be a greater opportunity for peace.  

“When you and the rest of Humanity can be so cleansed of the Human personalities of fear, and the desires for power and control over other people, of the violence and hatred and war, then the circumstances in your times and upon the planet will change.  That is why I say unto you, the time has come when all must choose God.  The higher realms have programmed a heavenly chapter to come now in Earth’s history, and this chapter requires positive thinkers. This is your opportunity to believe, live and teach positive thinking. 

“Never mind the forecasts of what may happen on the planet so long as you are tuned in daily to your higher self.  Accept you will experience only what your soul requires to enter the Golden Age.  Fear has no place in the New Age.  This is the point of my message.  Love is more powerful than all the fear that exists anywhere in the Universe.  Teach your children to love and trust God, and not to judge themselves or others.  Loving, focused thoughts will carry you through any difficulty.  That was my message to you long ago, and that is still God’s goal for you.

“God’s presence does not just descend upon Humanity as some external force, but lives within each person as well.  God is an intuitive experience, very personal and totally available.  My life was a statement that no matter what others said and did (governments, religions, or uniformed people), they could not defeat or change the power of my internal awareness of God.  

“My purpose was to show you that, even though I was arrested, persecuted and, in the final analysis, abandoned by even my dearest friends and disciples, I knew something more profound than the external physical experience.  I knew God.  Trust is the cornerstone of love.  Teach it to the children.

“You and the children are the seed of God.  Within you is the outpouring of the vision which can be denied or ignored, but never destroyed.  I came to remind you of your identity.  I came to say, you and the children are a marvelous creation of mind in matter, and you can do almost anything you set your minds to.  This internal God Self is the director of your experience if you would choose it.  All children are to be taught kindness and love by your example.

“Tell the children: God is present everywhere.  In concert with others, you are the Mind of God present here on the Earth.  Accept that responsibility.  You are not victims of a malevolent God, not the stepchildren of some angry, raving parent.  You have the same potential qualities of love within you that were the Creator’s tools in creating the cosmos and the vast regions of space.  You have your own mind and your own word with which to create.

“Television is not an adequate babysitter.  Most programs are not fit company for adults, let alone children.  Be selective in what you give other people permission to put into your children’s subconscious memory storage.  You are charged with the responsibility of filling the child’s at-home hours with only the finest conversation, entertainment, and live activities.  A word of caution about Sunday schools: some Sunday school teachers often used to threaten children by saying ‘God will punish you if you are bad.’  What must be taught is Human responsibility.  When Humans act unloving to themselves and others, there will be pain as a reminder that love is not present.  This pain does not come from God.  It is a result of Universal Law.  God does not punish.  A Human’s misuse of the Law of Love, and also of the Law of Cause and Effect, harms you.

“One person joined by another, in a growing decision for PEACE, will form an indestructible belief pattern of such magnitude that the broader body of power and execution of policy will reflect it.  Nothing short of this will save the planet.  Become the peace, teach peace, and join together in a mighty demand for peace at every level of local, national and international government.  

“This Age is energetically lighter and finer in its vibration.  From this new higher-energy vibration that we of the Heavens now send, you are able to receive the result of your own thoughts more quickly.  You will soon think a thought and see its result in your own body or life experience quickly.  

“Share with the children that Jesus did not die in his inner self of being, and neither can you, except by the misuse of power.  By a person’s limited attitudes, they can become spiritually retarded.  My resurrection was possible because of the love power of my mind over external circumstances, over the belief that death exists.  Teach them that I still live, and still watch over them and care for them.”