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Begin by looking at what you have in your life you don’t want, don’t like or are dissatisfied with.

Take these statements and turn them around into positive affirmations, but watch the way you word your affirmations. You can trip yourself up, thinking you’ve made a positive statement when you haven’t. Remember always that the subconscious and the soul take our beliefs and statements literally.


I don’t want to get a ticket.

I don’t want to be ripped off.

I don’t want my child to get hurt.

I don’t want to fail the test.

I don’t want to be sick.

I don’t want to become helpless when I get older.

I don’t want my car to break down.

I don’t want to live like this.

I don’t want to have to pay so many taxes.

I don’t want to make a mistake

I hate war.

It is important to be in favor of what you do want and not against anything. What you are against you give energy to whether it is against drugs, drunk drivers, war, killing seals or whales, rain forest destruction, aids, or against homelessness and hunger.

Pay attention to when you are saying “I want” but vibrating “I don’t want.”

I want out of this relationship.
I want a job that pays better.
I want the government out of my life
I want to get out of debt.

In these thoughts you are still thinking more about what you don’t want than what you do want even if you are saying “I want.”

Intention is a much better choice than “I want or I need.” The soul and the subconscious take our statements literally. If we say “I want” the soul and subconscious believe we desire to stay in a state of wanting. If we say “I need” the soul and subconscious believe we desire to stay in a state of needing.

It is far more productive to say “I intend, I desire and I now accept or even I now receive.”
This fulfills the points it takes to manifest. You have desire, belief, expectancy and willingness to receive.

Our job is to state the desires in writing as we would if we were filling out a purchase order. We then need to become aware of insights, intuitions and messages coming from our soul. Once we’ve put the order out into the Universe it is not our job to figure out the “how” a thing can happen. In actuality we are not smart enough or creative enough to think up the “how.” Normally Humans will limit God by believing there are only a few ways a thing can happen. These usually involve more overtime, inheritance, or winning the lottery. If we release the “how” to the Universe and pay attention to the intuition by only asking out soul:

What is the next single thing for me to do or know
for me to be in a state of divine grace?

And release the request with the statement:

I now accept this or something better through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned.

We have given permission for the desire to be fulfilled in whatever manner God chooses and whatever manner serves the highest good and we’ve agreed through saying “now accept” in having what we ask for now and we’ve agreed to accept whatever messenger God chooses to use to bring us our good.

It is important not to look to your job, social security, your parents, your spouse, or retirement income as the source of your supply. If you do you limit the number of directions that can be used by God to get your good to you. It is important to see your job or your daily efforts as your contribution to the Universe not as a direct exchange for a certain payment amount.

I desire joy to radiate through my heart at all times.

I desire my whole family to feel joy.

I desire to feel that everything is always as it should be.

I desire an increased sense of freedom

I desire to remember that I always have choices.

I intend to see more choices.

I intend to trust that all is well in the World/

I intend to learn deliberate co-creating.
I intend to learn to be a better energy manager.

I intend to become aware of my resistances.

I intend to be constantly aware of my true feelings.

I intend to enjoy my life to the fullest.

I intend to have more and more fun and experience more and more peace.

I intend to experience health, stamina and muscle strength.

I intend to daily have a closer connection with my Source.

Many of us were raised with sayings that no longer serve us:

That’s life, accept.

That’s just the way things are.

Life is not fair, don’t expect it.

You can’t fight City Hall.

Stop knocking your head against a brick wall.

That’s just the way of the World.

There is no free lunch.

Within every life a little rain must fall.

Learn to take life on its terms.

Get your head out of the clouds.

Wise up and face reality.

In my case it was get that book out of your face and quit trying to act above your raising.

Watch what you say habitually. Things like:

I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck.

What she did just makes me sick.

I’m exhausted.

I’m dead tired.

My fate is up to the judge.

I have a headache, backache, stomach ache.

I’m afraid I’m catching a cold.

I always experience hay fever at this time of year.

I’m afraid this is not going to work out.

I don’t see how this situations could possibly change.

Sales are down because the economy is bad right now.

Of course this is happening to me, I’m getting old.

As long as the Republicans are in power…


We manifest from how we are feeling, thinking and expressing ourselves. We must stay conscious and correct ourselves. How we are feeling affects our vibrations. The higher our vibrations, the clearer intention and image we hold the
faster the manifestation.

It feels strong to me to precede my request with:

I intend, desire and now gratefully receive or I intend, desire and now gratefully accept.

Gratitude for what the Universe has already granted us is the most important step in manifestation. Keep a gratitude journal.


I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept a life mate with these qualities:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I now accept and I draw to me true love…

I draw to myself my right partner,
the soul whose love serves my soul’s highest potential,
the soul whom my soul enhances
to its highest potential.
I draw this partner to me freely and lovingly
as I am drawn to this partner.
I choose and am chosen out of pure love,
pure respect, and pure liberty.
I attract one who attracts me equally.
I seek and am found.
We are a match made in heaven to better this Earth.

It is important after you make your list of the attributes you wish to attract in a partner that you read your list in terms of yourself to see if you are equal to and as developed as the person you are describing that you wish to attract. If you are not you know what to work on within yourself in order to attract the person you desire.

I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept into my life a career or life work with these features and feelings:
I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.

I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.

I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.

I desire, intend and now gratefully accept a home with these features:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.

I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.

I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.

I desire, intend and now gratefully accept these situations in my life to create a feeling of stability:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept these talents and abilities in my life:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept healing for myself and the Earth:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.
I desire, intend and now gratefully accept:


I now accept this or something better into my life, through the grace of God and to the highest good of all concerned. So be it.

bj King – Namaste, Inc. – P. O. Box 22174 – Oklahoma City, OK 73123

Phone: 405-773-5210



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