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Namaste Newsletter August 2021


Namaste, Inc., P. O. Box 22174, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123





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What I write are my opinions based on my experiences and should be checked through your own discernment for your truth.

            Last month I gave you the numbers shown below, which were offered us by Master Grigori.  For a month, Larry and I have been writing them at the top of the page in our journals before we meditate.  He received guidance to add the numbers of the seven digits with the nine digits to come up with a number which we then reduce down to one digit.  We then look at the Ray cards of the first number (7 digits), the added number (9 digits) and the reduced number in each set.  This is helping us to remember the numbers of the Rays and their uses and to give us a feeling of energy for the day.  You might want to try this method if you, like us, had trouble retaining the number and meaning of each Ray.


          Message from Master Grigori: “There is a numeric coefficient for everything in this Universe.  It is not necessary to know the numbers.  It is useful just to be aware that structure, all structure, is dependent on geometry and numerics.  The day of the month cycles somewhat in relation to the other planets in this solar system as well as the relationship to Earth’s moon.  The frequency of each day is an awareness that if duly noted and combined with intention, can improve concentration and ability to manifest within the Human/Earth continuum.  I have given you the numbers that, if written daily before your meditation writing, will serve to put your body and mind in alignment with the Earth.  Those numbers are:

1st Day of the month:     1845421    845132489

2nd Day of the month:    1853125    849995120

3rd Day of the month:    5142587    421954321

4h Day of the month:    5194726    715043769

5th Day of the month:    1084321    194321054

6th Day of the month:    1954837    194321099

7th Day of the month:    1485321    991843288

8th Day of the month     1543218    984301267

9th Day of the month     1843210    918921452

10th Day of the month   1854312    894153210

11th Day of the month   1852348    561432001

12th Day of the month   1854321    485321489

13th Day of the month   1538448    154321915

14th Day of the month   5831421    999888776

15th Day of the month   7788001    532145891

16th Day of the month   1843212    123567091

17th Day of the month   1045421    891000111

18th Day of the month   1854212    185321945

19th Day of the month   1254312    158431985

20th Day of the month   1538416    891543219

21st Day of the month   8153517    589148542

22nd Day of the month   8153485    198516789

23rd Day of the month   8154574    581974321

24th Day of the month   5184325    189543210

25th Day of the month   1890000    012459999

26th Day of the month   1584321    485617891

27th Day of the month   1854342    185431201

28th Day of the month   1854512    195814210

29th Day of the month   1852142    512942180

30th Day of the month   1852143    185219351

31st Day of the month   1532106    185214321


Many people are leaving their bodies at this time so many of us are dealing with grief.  Spirit has offered these words that we might share with people who are suffering from grief, in place of or to include in a sympathy card.

“Grief is a tremendous assault on who we are.  People are mirrors in our lives.  People reflect dimensions or parts of ourselves as we’d like to see ourselves.  When we lose someone who is important to us, it’s like a piece of ourselves is taken away and the way we have once seen ourselves is no longer the way we are.”

We are in the time in evolution of clearing the planet of “laggard” souls who have chosen to ignore spirit and spiritual growth in favor of living a strictly material life.  As these souls leave their bodies, their essence will be relocated to the alternate third dimensional Earth called “Ploarus.”  They will not qualify to reincarnate onto this Earth.  This is in preparation for the Earth and the awakened Humans who have done their spiritual work staying with the Earth and moving into the fifth dimension.


For many years, we have all associated the crucifix cross as a sign of Jesus, Christianity and crucifixion.  He now says his crucifixion did not represent his dying in that manner for the sins of Humans, but represented the most disrespectful manner in which the Romans could dispose of him.  He came to prove ascension and to anchor the energy of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.  He and Saint Germain are now asking us to discontinue using the crucifix cross and to take Jesus and Humanity off the cross.  The Maltese cross also represents protection.  We honor universal consciousness by using the Maltese cross which represents the following:

        My Resistance to Change from the Crucifix Cross to the Maltese Cross

          I moved from Lubbock, TX to Oklahoma City, OK in November 1979 to marry a man who was an Episcopal Priest.  I was a very devout Christian and very involved in the church.  I sent rings we had accumulated through the years to a friend in Midland, TX, who is a jewelry designer for him to melt the gold from the rings to make us gold nugget wedding bands.  Gold nugget jewelry was very popular at that time.

          My fiancé died of a heart attack four days after I arrived in Oklahoma City so I notified my friend in Midland to not make wedding bands, but to make me a gold nugget crucifix style cross.  I wore the cross for several years. The cross was immensely personal to me and I was very sentimental about it.

          In later years the Master Jesus asked me in meditation to quit wearing the cross, that it was a symbol of crucifixion and he had not come to Earth for people to focus on the crucifixion, but to teach and to prove the ascension.  He asked that people take him and themselves off the cross.  I quit wearing the cross, but kept it close to me at all times. 

          One day, during meditation, the Master Saint Germain asked me to have the cross melted down and made into an even cross, the Maltese cross, with an amethyst in the middle.  I argued that I didn’t want to give up the cross for sentimental reasons.  He argued that it didn’t represent balance of the masculine/feminine and that was what I came to Earth to represent; that, and the ability to bring Spirit into matter, which the even cross also represents.  I complained and I argued, but after his asking repeatedly, I finally gave in.  I agreed that when I had sufficient money to buy the amethyst and the additional gold it would take to transform the crucifix cross into a Maltese cross that I would do it.

          I was living in a friend’s condo at the time in Albuquerque.  It was the first time I had had my own place in many years. The day after I agreed to have the cross transformed, a man I had met years before in Mt. Shasta called and asked if he and his wife, who were traveling around the country, could possibly come for readings and spend the night with me.  Since I had been at the mercy of spending the night with strangers for years, I felt committed, now that I had the space, to offering lodging to strangers who were traveling.  They came.  I read for them and did the cellular release process for both of them and then read, by phone, for a friend of theirs in Portland, OR.   By the end of the evening they now owed me $450.  At this point, they mentioned that they needed to barter.  I was livid.  This felt so inappropriate to me.  I knew the man to be a poet.  I knew I did not need $450 worth of poetry.

          “What do you have to barter?”  I asked.

          “We travel around now and sell gems and minerals to individuals and shops.  I can show you what we have in the van,” he offered.

It was cold out and so instead he went out and brought in a tray of facetted gemstones.  The exact amethyst I needed for the cross was in the middle of the tray.  I knew immediately that Saint Germain had sent them.  “I’ll take that one,” I said in a very irritated voice.  I knew I was being set up by Spirit to fulfill the promise I had just made to have the cross melted down as soon as I had the stone and money.  I still didn’t have the money so I thought, “I can still put this off.”

          “Are you going to make the stone into a ring,” the poet asked.

          I replied through clenched teeth, “No, I’m going to melt down this cross,” which I showed him, “and make another cross with the amethyst in the middle.”

          “What kind of cross?” he persisted.

          “A Maltese cross,” I said again through clenched teeth.

          “What does that look like?” he asked.  I drew a picture of an even cross on a napkin and handed it to him.

          “Who’s going to make it for you?” he asked.

          I thought, “None of your business,” but said, “I don’t know yet.  I don’t have the money to have it done.”  We had talked earlier in the evening about the fact that in about three weeks  we were both going to be back in Portland, OR at the same time.

          “We owe you $450 so we will pay that toward the creation of your cross.  If you want to let me take your cross, the amethyst, and any other gold jewelry you have that you are willing to melt down I can take it to a wonderful goldsmith I know in San Francisco and he will make it according to your drawing and I will deliver it to you in Portland when we all get back there in three weeks,” he offered.

          I looked at him stupefied.  I did not really know this man from Adam’s off ox.  I did not want to let the cross go.  I did not want to melt it down.  I didn’t want to give up the amethyst that I had just worked for, but the message was clear.  “You must trust.”  They left the next morning with my cross, stone and gold.  I was more than irritated.  I had done the meditation to receive the cross during the time I had meditated for the original amethyst, but never expecting that the meditation really would work.  Again, what I had manifested was coming from another direction, rather than just manifesting in the palm of my hand.  I wasn’t sure which would require more trust, just letting it manifest in my hand or letting a perfect stranger be the deliverer.

          Three weeks later the man called and we met in a restaurant in Portland, OR and he delivered the perfect gold Maltese cross with the amethyst in the middle.  He had paid the goldsmith himself and said I owed him no more in cash.  Again I was sure Spirit was intervening on my behalf.

          I wore the cross constantly, but ceased to wear the silver and amethyst earrings and the silver ring I had precipitated with the original amethyst in it, because I don’t like to mix wearing silver and gold together.  I began to desire a larger darker amethyst ring, set in gold, to wear with the cross.  I thought about it in meditation and once again tried the precipitation technique.  My palms tingled.  My body heated up, but no ring appeared in the palm of my hand.

          One day, when I was in Oklahoma City, a friend called and asked me to meet her for lunch in Norman, OK.  I agreed and drove to Norman.  I was very proud of myself for being on time and locating the restaurant.  Just as I reached the restaurant the voice of my soul insisted, “Keep driving.”  I followed the suggestion.  The road narrowed, due to construction and then dead-ended into the University.  I was irritated.  Traffic was terrible and now I would be late.  I turned around and started back toward the restaurant.  The voice again said, “Stop in here.”  All I saw was a dilapidated shopping center with a Laundromat, a bicycle repair shop, several empty stores and a used bookstore.  The only store that made sense to enter was the used bookstore.  The Spirit had been suggesting that I reread the works of Carlos Castaneda.  I had not wanted to reread them, because I do not approve of drug-induced spiritual experiences, but I had previously tried to locate used copies at used bookstores in Oklahoma City to no avail.  I went inside the store and asked the young man who approached me if he had any books by Carlos Castaneda.  He chuckled and said, “We have the best selection in the whole state.  We have new ones, used ones, hard back and paperback.  Which ones are you looking for?”

          I was shocked and stammered, “I don’t remember the names, let me look at the pictures on the front.  I need the one with the moth and the one with a raven on the front.”  He led me to the area where the books were and I chose the two I needed.  As I headed back toward the cash register, I noticed a glass jewelry case on my left.  I stopped to look inside.  The case was filled with jewelry like what one would expect to find at a psychic fair; little crystal earrings, silver dolphins, etc.  But in the center of the case was a large amethyst ring set in gold in a very unusual mounting.  It was stunning. 

I immediately assumed that it was costume jewelry considering the kind of store I was in and the quality of the other jewelry, but I was intrigued that Spirit had asked me to stop at this store.  I asked the young man to open the case so I could see the ring.  When he opened the case the woman who owned the store came over and started telling me that she used to be in the gem and mineral business and that now she was selling out all her jewelry stock and going into the book business.  I had by then slipped the ring on my finger; it was a perfect fit.  I asked her how much the ring cost.  She said it would be $250.  Immediately, I knew that for that price it had to be a manmade stone.  “Is it an organic stone or a manmade stone,” I asked.

          “Oh, it is one of the highest quality Brazilian amethysts that I ever had and I had the mounting especially made by a goldsmith to accommodate the depth of the stone so that all the facets would be visible.”  I must have looked skeptical, because she continued.  “I can see that you do not believe me.  If you want to buy the ring for that price, take it to a gemologist and if it doesn’t appraise to be worth at least $2,000 you can bring it back and I will give you your money back,” she offered.

          I loved the ring and at that price I was willing to buy it even if it were a manmade stone.  I put the ring on my credit card and went to meet my friend for lunch.  I apologized for being late and showed her the ring and told her the story.

          The next day I took the ring to a jeweler in downtown Oklahoma City.  I asked if he could tell me if it were a manmade stone or an organic stone.  He took the ring into the back of the shop and shortly came back.  “This is one of the highest quality Brazilian amethysts I have ever seen and the mounting is fourteen karat gold.  The stone is twenty karat.  Wholesale it would be $50 a karat, plus the mounting.  So if you bought it for anything less than $2,500, you got a bargain.”  I thanked the man and left the store amazed.

          Both these events reinforced my willingness to trust my soul and other people, even with giving up physical things precious to me.  I know my suggesting this to you, giving up your crucifix crosses, may be equally difficult for you, especially crosses you’ve worn for years, received as gifts or inherited. 

Butterflies can fly because they surrendered to the process of transformation.

Have a wonder-filled fall.

Namaste, bj, Judi and Peggy