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Namaste Newsletter March/April 2014

Namaste, Inc., P. O. Box 22174, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123 – 405-773-5210

Everything I write is my opinion and should be tested
through your own discernment.

We give thanks for all of you who support us and Namaste and the work we do with the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Intergalactic Federation and Angels.

I AM Now Available to Do Readings and Activations

I AM in Oklahoma City and available to do Oversoul to Oversoul readings, $155.00 for an hour recorded session, until May when I will travel to Colorado for Wesak. Activations and initiations are available only when readings are done in person. All other readings are done by phone and are recorded on a CD which is sent to you. I can be reached at 405-773-5210. There are openings in April and July for anyone to come to the Center for the three day painting retreat, which is $250.00 per day.


I have been busy all of March taking care of my physical body: heart tests (inserting a third stent in the heart has been postponed for at least six months), mammogram (cancer free), having cataract surgeries (now have 20/20 vision in both eyes without glasses or contacts for the first time since second grade). The cardiologist was concerned by my shortness of breath before the surgeries. God sent a breath coach from Fairfield, Iowa to the Center for a week to help me learn to breathe more deeply and it worked for me to qualify to have the surgeries, for which I am very grateful. Each cataract surgery took two weeks for healing so the whole month was gone before I felt like I was ready to work or write again. I appreciate the patience of those of you who subscribe to the Mystery School that I did not get out a lesson in March and a special thank you to those of you who tithe and make it possible to pay Namaste’s expenses even though I wasn’t working.


I’ve talked before about composites and the need for more people to allow more of their soul to join with their bodies. All one has to do to cause this to happen is to ask the soul for the upgrade. Each level only brings more consciousness, not personality; however, each level comes with what Spirit calls a “flavor” which I experience it as an agenda. A couple of years ago the one that came down to integrate with my body was all about simplifying, organizing and getting rid of physical objects. I’m already a very organized person so this was a challenge for me. This last year’s integration was all about electronics and, not being technically minded, new computers with new software, digital recorder (which made it necessary to learn to burn CD’s of readings), digital camera, I-pad, smart TV, Netflix, etc., have been a challenge to learn all at once. Spirit kept saying in meditation “it is time to give up to get up.” At first I didn’t understand what that meant, but when the impulse hit to clear out and clean up more stuff I went for it. I couldn’t believe after all I had cleared out the year before that I could release so much more “stuff.” The more I’ve let go, the better I feel. I’ve been able to raise my vibration and have more empty space within my home and my consciousness. I gave up 5 van’s full of stuff and cleaned every drawer, cabinet, closet, the garage and storage building. Fortunately, I did all of this prior to having the surgeries because during recovery after the surgeries one is not to lift heavy objects or bend the head below the waist. I took out 8 big black garbage bags of clothes out of my closet, which I would never have believed I would do. I highly recommend “give up to get up.”


The night work has been very busy. A couple of weeks ago, a huge energy was headed for Earth from Uranus. The Uranian energy, if not dissipated, would have had the potential to set off yet another war and many weather disasters. We spent two nights aboard the ships coming up with an alternative. The Master Jupiter and his group agreed to dissipate the energy and redirect it to an area of space uninhabited by any civilization, a huge relief.
For many years a potential devastating earthquake has been predicted at the site of the San Andreas Fault that would drop California into the Pacific. The recent potential was dissipated with the fault line secured by the Federation, resulting in a quake that only registered at around 4 points.


A new legion of Angels (1,000) called the Amirias has been formed under the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters Lady Master Hope and Lady Master Amethyst. Their primary assignment will be to be present and supportive at the presence of newborn babies. Many high vibrational souls come into Human form who cannot stand the density of Earth, then quickly back out of their physical forms through what is referred to as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Babies are born without veils of protection from the harshness of the negative thought forms that are in the air and in the consciousness of Humanity. These thought forms are held in the fourth dimension, where Earth now resides, because of the Ring Pass Not around the Earth which separates the fourth and fifth dimensions to protect the rest of the Universe from Humanity’s negativity and our ignorance of splitting the atom. Since these souls are desperately needed for the evolution of Humanity and the future of Earth, the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Angels see this as a viable way to preserve these bodies for the use of higher vibrational souls. If you know of a potential birth please call on these Angels in addition to the Guardian Angel who will be assigned to the newborn.


The next Namaste Gathering will be held to celebrate Wesak, the celebration of Buddha’s birthday, his enlightenment and death, in Crestone, Colorado. The actual day of the Wesak celebration is the Full Moon in Taurus, May 14, 2014. I will be at the Silver Star Retreat Center May 13-18, 2014, beginning at noon on May 13th and ending at noon on May 18th. There are seven rooms and they can sleep 15 people. I’ve never been to this location. The Hierarchy and Federation recommend it as a very high energy location in the San Luis valley. Many ship sightings have been reported there. Currently, 10 people have committed to joining me. If you would like to join us and need information about other nearby places to stay, you may call or text Dave Robey, the retreat manager of the Silver Star Retreat, for further details at 310-497-9898 or Google Silver Star Retreat and/or Crestone, Colorado to find accommodations for yourself.

I will be offering daily guided imagery meditations and messages from the higher dimensions. During meditation on the day of Wesak, May 14th , we will go etherically to the Himalayas to meet with the Hierarchy as they celebrate bringing more Buddhaic energy onto the planet. The retreat fee to Namaste for the full five days will be $200 paid in advance to Namaste to cover the events and registration fee and does not include food or lodging which will be extra. Room rent in the retreat center is $50 per day and meals will be $8.00 per meal. We will create meals in the Center for those staying there and you will pay for each meal individually if you are staying at the center. If you are staying outside the retreat center you may join us for meals if you let us know in advance of each meal how many people to expect.

In order for the Namaste Creativity Center to exist we depend on your contributions. Namaste, Inc. is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. It costs $3,000 per month to pay the rent and utilities. The Namaste organization was created by the energy of the Master Jesus through me in 1984 for the purpose of spiritual education, spiritual travel, enhancing creativity and assisting in the evolution of the planet and all life on the Earth. Your contributions are tax deductible, welcomed and gratefully accepted. We appreciate all of you who regularly contribute to the work we do and the activities and teachings we offer. You may send post-dated checks for the year in advance and they will only be deposited on the date you indicate. May you be richly blessed and rewarded a thousand-fold for your generosity.


bj King, President, Namaste, Inc.
Judi Rider, Secretary, Namaste, Inc.

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